Oct 29, 2008

Warhammer online bot readme file

I think its written in autoit because i scanned it and it gave me the typical Autoit False-positive BS. Pretty cool how ones out so soon.

The warhammer bot is Still kind of BETA though.

from the Warhammer online bot readme file:

Hammer-Helper By AnoN

Files : Readme.txt (Duh), Hammer-Helper.EXE


-Start The Game

-Run The Exe

-Hotkeys are as follows

Esc = Terminate
F2 = Run
F4 = Save waypoint (alive)

~There are some bugs about this warhammer bot; Remember, if the warhammer online bot 'stalls' and no GUI comes up within 15-30 seconds, then just close it in task manager, wait 5-10 seconds, then try it again.

You must save the waypoints first and then run the warhammer bot and it will "hover" around these waypoints and attack players/mobs for you, Full class functionality built in.

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