Aug 14, 2009

WoW Patch 3.2.2 PTR is up for the EU

Wow, okay, we didn't see that coming, at least not this fast. European Blue Wryxian announced this morning on the official forums that the PTRs are back up for testing patch 3.2.2. Character copy is up for both pre-mades and your own characters (the wait time is currently an hour but this is definitely going to change). There are four realms being offered, two PvP and two PvE: Remulos, Brill, Fordring and Naralex. So far, the PTRs seem limited to EU-only but we're sure America can't be far behind. We'll update you with more as we have more but in the meantime, if you have a European account, click here to download the client and copy over a character. is currently hopping onto the PTR as quickly as we can to find anything and everything we can, so keep an eye on the site.

Update: Patch notes are in the process of going up. We'll have them over here on as well as soon as we're able.

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