Mar 3, 2009

Warhammer 1.2 patch to go live March 3, 2009

Warhammer 1.2 patch to go live March 3, 2009 - The 1.2 patch for Warhammer Online is going to be huge. Mark Jacobs gave fans a highlight reel of what it will deliver back in early February, which includes fixes to over 500 bugs, two new careers, class balance, and much more. Since that time, Mythic put warhammer 1.2 up on the public test server for everyone to give feedback on. Here is a summary of some blog feedback we found (because not everyone can view the beta forums atm):

  • Keen shared his thoughts on the new Choppa career .

  • Book of Grudges has a good review of Slayers .

  • Part 1 of Garrison of WAR's review (map improvements, realm status changes, and new mounts).

  • Part 2 of Garrison of WAR's review (rage mechanic and how it performed in both PvE and RvR).

  • Part 3 of Garrison of WAR's review [additional map improvements (more accurate group and warband dots), the new parties and warbands window, potions persisting through death, and how all MDPS careers will receive a pick lock skill that lets them enter postern keep doors].

  • Stunty Stomper and Obsessive Focus talk a bit about crafting changes.

Arbitrary of the Book of Grudges is also reporting that the latest US WAR newsletter in her inbox says warhammer patch 1.2 will go live March 3, 2009. The Bitter Rivals live event will start March 4, 2009.

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