Jul 7, 2009

WoW Midsummer Festival Guide

The WoW Midsummer Festival has already started and I’m late informing you about a great piece of news for WoW Midsummer Festival Guide.

Now you can Impress your friends in the festival by

* Setting your Hands and Feet on FIRE!
* Transform them into Burning Female Draenei
* Juggle dozens of burning torches !

And get easy Epic Cloak and Necklace items from Lord Ahune

Check out this free guide and video by Dugi

I have been using Dugi’s Guides for all my Dailies and Events
quest for quite some time now, and I’m really impressed by his new Midsummer Event guide.

If you have ever though about getting Dugi’s Dailies & Events Guide
the best time is RIGHT NOW!!

Why ? WoW Midsummer Festival Guide

Because Dugi’s is giving away his Gold and PVP Guide for free! He
have just announced it to his mailing list and I though I’d give you
a heads up aswell, Its only to the first 100 people so it is not
going to last long.

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