The Ultimate WAR Online Tome of Knowledge Achievement Warhammer trade skills guides tells you all the detailed information you need to be a head of other gamers. Specific and complete information are given in this article which could help your game into a new level.
The Warhammer online tome of knowledge achievement trade skills guides and its subtypes are enumerated below.
Ancient Lament
Every wound instills a scar even though how light it is. Ages may passes even up to the Sundering Times yet the wound remains fresh among the minds and memories of every elves. The Achievement lore of which talks about the weeping of the seas that seems to be lost and those lands wherein people bounded there is shattered upon by acts of betrayal and treachery. The silence songs and myth of steels seems to be powerless, pale, and words seems to be lifeless.
A man who is endowed with his unscrupulous and crooked ambition can be renowned free from the invasion and affectation of army quartermasters. In this regard, the man has its innate skill to create and shape his own supplies, materials, weapons, and armors. This man could also make use of the few and little coins and pennies which can liberate his poor fellow comrades and brothers at the same time.
This trade skill guide is much concerned on the Greenskins who is said to be allowed to drink anything which is much comparable to the Dwarfs chagrin. The achievement lore of which involves the Mugs fire brew which is regarded as the rarest, unique, as well as the most honored among the barkeeps that are titled as the master brewer. Since they have already created scores and points of brews, these brewers are given along with his long, continuous, as well as illustrious career. Although it sounds strange, there would only be one brewer that will bear his name as the master brewer. The recipe and ingredient in making Fire brew remains to be confidential and is closely guarded secret. This secret remains hidden by the Mugs wherein they could not even share it with their own sons and successors.
Medicinal Purposes
This proves to be very useful with the ill effects that are carried along the worst nights and days of illness. Available achievement under this include sweat it out; shock it up, grease for gut, shameful ailments, chills for chills, and shameful ailments.
It seems that the world is truly strange and regarded as the varied place for everyone. One thing might work for a single person yet may fail with others.
A decent always produces so much like those supplies, armies, and men. When the time reaches to the point that is at its very low point, they reap their resources from their enemies.
This Warhammer online tome of knowledge achievement trade skills guide talks about the Ruinous powers that extend further which makes its way through the use of corrupted powers.
Do you want to get left behind, or always be one step ahead of everyone else in Warhammer Online?
Nov 6, 2008
Warhammer Trade Skills Guide
标签: Guides, Tradeskills
时间: 11/06/2008 2 评论
Nov 5, 2008
Warhammer Witch Elf Mastery Build
This Warhammer Witch Elf Build is going to be a little unconventional. Most players that play a Witch Elf will probably go hard in strength to raise their DPS, in this build we will concentrate on Weapon Skill. Here are the top three stats for this build:
Weapon Skill = adds to parry % as well as armor penetration %
Strength = adds to melee DPS as well as auto attack DPS
Wounds = adds to Hit Points
The 25 points will be placed as follows: (There will be a few extra points from RvR rewards, however we will not use them here)
15 in "Carnage"
Buy the following skills in the Carnage tree for one point each:
Elixir of Insane Power
Pierce Armor
Swift Blades
On Your Knees!
Blade Spin
Skills in the tree you do not buy: "Sharpened Edge" and "Broad Severing".
The last 5 points will be put in "Suffering". Only place 4 points in the actual tree and buy the skill "Kiss of Doom". Any additional points should also be placed in "Suffering".
80 RvR points to be placed in:
Blade Master level 1 = 1 point
Blade Master level 2 = 3 points
Blade Master level 3 = 6 points
Blade Master level 4 = 10 points
Blade Master level 5 = 14 points
Might level 1 = 1 point
Might level 2 = 3 points
Assault level 1 = 2 points
Assault level 2 = 4 points
Assault level 3 = 6 points
Reflexes level 1 = 5 points
Reflexes level 2 = 10 points
Reflexes level 3 = 15 points
The purpose of this Warhammer Witch Elf Build is to be an overwhelming threat to any class, and be able to deal with the retaliations of slicing through the front lines of PvP.
Here are the planned active morale skills:
Level 1 = Sever Nerve
Level 2 = Force of Will
Level 3 = Death Reaper
Level 4 = Blade Spin
Slotted Tactics can be changed "on the fly", as long as you are not in combat. Since there are 5 quick slots available, I would set each set to a different use. One for PvP fight, one for PvP heal, one for PvE Group, and one for PvE solo. Here is my set for a "PvP fight":
Swift Blades
For the Hag Queen!
Kiss of Doom
Build Strength:
Let's face it, your job as a Witch Elf is to run through(or use stealth) the frontline to get at the healers and casters. But what happens when you do this? Most likely you will always get agro from one or more melee classes. Having a huge parry chance with an auto attack when you do parry will greatly help your survivability. Add a 50% chance to knockdown on your frenzies, and the 50% chance for your Kiss to proc, will really come in handy in the end game PvP. This build will also help with solo confrontations. Some may argue that going with a heavy strength/crit build would be better, however you would be putting "all your eggs in one basket", and if your crit gets dodged/parried/blocked it is useless. Here every time you parry an attack the attacker is hit with an UNDEFENDABLE attack. Even though the Carnage tree already gives you massive armor reduction abilities for tank battles, Weapon Skill ALSO adds to armor penetration, besides the increased chance to parry.
Nov 4, 2008
War weapon skill is bascially worthless
Warhammer Online Weapon Skill might be "O.K" for armor penetration, however it massively sucks for parrying. As such, I respec'ed and changed three levels in Warhammer Weapon Skill and put the points in strength.
Here we can see the three levels of Weapon Skill with a 6.7% chance to parry:After I respec'ed we can see the MEANGINLESS difference of 1.2%! As far as I am concerned, for a WE, WAR Weapon Skill is worthless:
More Warhammer online tips and tricks
时间: 11/04/2008 0 评论
Nov 3, 2008
Warhammer Apothecary Guides You Should Know
Warhammer Online is hot now, and beginners maybe should wanna know Warhammer Apothecary Guides!
Potions can be very useful in game, at least in my experience. Most of the beginner potions are going to add +10 to a stat for 5-10 minutes. If you compare that to level 5 gear, you're talking about being able to add a bonus comparable to two or three pieces of armor that all buff the same stat. Want to heal? Beginner for warhammer apothecary potions will give you a quick recharge of +250 hp if you know where to get the materials. Overall it appears that Mythic intends apothecary to be the number one utility crafting skill. If you don't want to invest a lot of time in raising it, you don't have to: every merchant who sells apothecary supplies sells enough materials for you to grind out restoration potions.
What you need:
Every potion has 3 basic components. First you have to have some sort of container. The basic container is a used glass vial, which costs 5 brass at a vendor. You also need a main ingredient, these can be purchased at a basic vendor as well. Vendors in the low-level towns will have elvish parsley for recovery (heal over time potion) and bear claws for strength. There are also some intelligence materials I believe. Bear in mind that as you progress in level, the quality and type of ingredients vendors provide will change. Finally, you have three slots where you can add additional components. When first starting out, don't waste your time adding anything other than cloudy water. Again: until you get your skill to 25 adding anything other than cloudy water to your potions is a waste of materials that will be helpful later. Simply put, you don't yet have the skill to make more than one potion at a time, and you don't have the materials to make potions that last longer than 5 minutes.
How to get it:
There are two gathering skills that contribute items usable as a main ingredient. Butchering will give you main ingredients as well as some ingredients with varying miscellaneous effects (stabilizing effects appear to be the most common). Cultivating will allow you to grow plants and fungi which can then be used to create potions. Which is better? Well each has its benefits. Butchering is great because if you know where an animal spawns you have an unlimited supply of an ingredient, provided you are willing to farm long enough to build up your stock. However, butchering's strength is also its main weakness: you have to have animals to butcher, which means higher-level components will not be available right away, even if your skill would be high enough to harvest them. Cultivation is the more peaceful alternative to butchering. I've found that every monster component has an equivalent plant. But it's worth noting that each skill point you want to raise in cultivation will take approximately 90 seconds. Butchering an animal has a duration of 5 seconds. This means that while cultivation requires nothing other than seeds, it takes much much longer to raise skill in cultivation compared to butchering. However as far as I can tell butchering has nearly nothing to contribute to dyes; I am reluctant to comment any further on this because my experience with dye-making is non-existent.
How to get good potions quickly:
Here's how I did it, which may not be the best way, but it got me to making some good potions after about 15 minutes of skill-raising. First off, you're not going to be able to use any green ingredient you have until your skill is at least 25 (this may change, I'll explain more later). Your best bet for getting skill from 1 to 25 is to simply figure out what potion will benefit you most from the ingredients available at the vendor, and then just get enough materials to make this potion 25 times. Remember you only need the main ingredient, a used glass vial and some cloudy water at this point. After buying 25 of these three items, open up your skills by pressing 'V', then select warhammer apothecary guides from the top of the alphabetized list under the general skills tab (it's the hammer icon on the far right).
The warhammer Apothecary Screen:
As you can see, apothecary is pretty intuitive once you know where to get ingredients. The screen has 5 slots, with each one clearly marked as to what goes there. On the right side is a little bar which you can pretty much ignore. What you want to pay attention to is the text at the bottom which will read one of three things: 1. This potion is unstable (will definitely fail) 2. This potion is volatile (may succeed) 3. This potion is stable (will definitely succeed). At this point, every potion you make will be volatile. That's okay, because that's the best you can do with only cloudy water**.
Here's where WAR crafting deviates from other MMOs you may be familiar with. As far as I can tell, each main ingredient has a set 'stability value'. If the items you have in your three additional slots do not provide enough stability to meet that required 'stability value', any attempted potion with that ingredient will always fail no matter how many times you try. As a correlate to this, any potion which is volatile but succeeds will always succeed and produce a potion.
Volatile potions have a small disclaimer stating that they may produce a negative effect, but at the time of this writing the chance of this happening is negligible enough for it to be ignored. I have used scores of volatile potions, and have yet for one to backfire and produce a negative effect.
标签: Apothecary
时间: 11/03/2008 0 评论