Ok, Here is the first installment of Class Reviews from 3.3. The Warhammer Witch Hunter, I may do some more, however with the NDA Dropping soon next week (hopefully) and about 60k+ people joining. They may not be as needed.
Quests / Public Quests in all zones
Scenarios in all zones
Open RvR in all zones
Intro: Witch Hunter
I have done a couple of these for Destro classes, and this is my first for Order. I played several Order classes, and I felt this one would be the best suited for the first review. If I do another one, it will most likely be an order class. Any ways. Once again, I am keeping to the format I have been in the past. Leveling the way I feel Mythic inteded us to level. A little PvE Questing, a little bit of Public Quests, a little bit of Scenarios, and a little bit of Open RvR.
Solo PvE Leveling via Quests:
Hmm. What to say. How about OMG easy. This class kills mobs of equal level almost as fast as a Sorc or Bright Wiz. I dont know if there is really anything else I Can put in here. I actually found solo PvE on this toon easier than the BW/Sorc because of the increased armor/HPs. Sorcs/BWs are glass cannons in every single aspect of them. The Witch Hunter can take a few hits before they need to /release
Public Quests:
Not so easy to come in first/second on a WH. As a WH, you DPS and when you are done DPSing you DPS some more. The problem is on public quests, is that you really dont have the AoE capabilities of the BW to MASS dps. So BWs pass you on the list. Aside from the fact that I SERIOUSLY belive that healing and tanking get WAY more contribution points than DPS, and you have a scenario where getting top of the contribution is quite difficult. I am not saying it cant be done, because it can. However it is not as easy as some of the other classes. I will say this. It is much easier than on a Witch Elf who has doesnt have the nifty gun to start fights and at least have a little aggro generation counting twords contribution.
PvP Scenarios:
The Holy Grail (IMHO) for the Witch Hunter. Small Controlled environments where Tanks are WAY easy to distract, and squishies are ALWAYS unprotected in the back of the pack. To all those people who say that the Stealth mechanic that Mythic has implemented is "Worthless". They obviously dont use it in scenarios. IF your Morale is up. YOU WILL ABSOLUTLY DESTROY whatever clothie you decide to stealth up to, and I mean DESTROY. Oh and there are two wonderfully beutiful mechanics that this class has. One, when people run from you, your gun does great damage. And Two, when people sprint from you, you can snare them with your gun. OMG useful for those squishies that run like chickens as soon as you pop on them. Oh and when you are running from someone. Hit them with a snare. Sprint away, and then you kyte them like whoa.
Open RvR:
This is where things get a little more difficult. Again, you have it better than the Witch Elf who is pure melee. But your gun just cant pump out the DPS of a ranged DPS so to do some real damage you really have to get into melee yourself. So were are the problems you ask? Well in open RvR, Tanks dont really have a lot to do especially at keeps and whatnot. So what do they do? They hang out by the squishies. Any tank worth his weight will immediatly put his guard on whatever squishy you are attacking. Fortunatly for the Witch Hunter, the Destruction players in the beta seem to be the more tunnel vision people who cant seem to realize there is a need to switch guard around, or switch targets, or assist for that matter. It is a real good thing for the WH, but a bad thing for Destruction in general. (remember I played both sides a TON).
In general I dont mind "suicide" missions, so I will often find a squishy outside a keep healing or casting thier little dark magic, and I will stealth to them and kill them before the tanks/healers can realize what is happening. Quite worth it IMO.
Your greatest asset though, is your ability to snare people with your gun. Nothing like causing those fleeing weaklings to be snared and sumarily obliterated by the little zerg that could. A good WH with a good Warrior Priest will make a GREAT team. Even better if they have one of those OMG anoying Ironbreakers with them. Man those little buggers are hard to kill. I am so glad that the class seems so unapealing to people, because they are absolutly the hardest class in the game to kill. The best way to kill one of them (not a problem for the WH cause they are the same side) is to just ignore them and whoop up on everyone else, then OMGZERG the IB that is left. (sorry for getting off topic there, I just hope the class doesnt get popular since I will be going Destro with my guild)
TANKS.Tanks.tanks. Without a shadow of a doubt, tanks are the ying to the WH yang. They are the one factor that all WH's must consider before attacking a target. For 2 simple reasons. 1: Guard. Man that is a WH' WORST enemy, hands down. 2. Melee MITIGATION. I dont think of myself as the best PvPer, but I think Im ok, since that is what I loved to do in DAOC and WoW. But, man Tanks are difficult to deal with. If they are guarding the squishy you are trying to kill, you wont do enough damage to kill it before you die. For one reason. TAUNT. Good tanks will drop guard on the squish, taunt you (so they do extra damage on you until you hit them 3 times) and then they will commence to whoop your backside like you stole something. So you basically have to switch targets and hit them 3 times, or you have to run away.
Again, the beuty of this is the fact that right now, destruction players for the most part get tunnel vision. So they dont switch thier guard, taunt or snare. So normally I can destroy a sorc or a shaman before I die. Oh another great thing about them (destruction players), they seem to run at the first sign of resistance. IT is so funny. Run from a WH and you will die. Your best bet is to try and dook it out until your help comes.
Totally Unimportant:
I personally think that besides the Chaos Champion, this is the coolest looking class in the game. Very "Van Helsing" which I personally like. And this class is HANDS DOWN better than the Witch Elf. The only reason I could see playing a WE instead of a WH, is because you are some wierdo dude that wants to stair at pixilated boobies all day while you play the game. The mechincs of the WH are better, and your ability to snare with your gun makes you 100x more useful. Besides, what other class gets the sweet pimp hats.
More Warhammer Witch Hunter Informations!
Oct 18, 2008
3.3 Warhammer Witch Hunter Class Review
标签: Witch Hunter
时间: 10/18/2008 0 评论
Oct 17, 2008
Warhammer Patch 1.0.3 is Here
Another patch, another bunch of wonderful additions to the game. Here are my favorites:
- A “new mail” icon has been added to the edge of the minimap to alert players when new mail messages have arrived.
- A new “report gold seller” command
- Region Chat
- Monsters should no longer disappear and then reappear when attacked at range by players.
- Capturing an enemy standard will now reward the capturing player and his nearby allies with renown.
For full patch notes, keep reading!
- We're pleased to announce the addition of a new regional chat system. This item has been one of our most requested features, and you can find the details below.
- We have made additional improvements to the functionality of the /ignore command. This command should now work more consistently.
- A “new mail” icon has been added to the edge of the minimap to alert players when new mail messages have arrived.
- We have made some additional improvements to the handling of NPC speech and action text in an effort to reduce the amount of chat players see from NPCs.
- In order to provide a more challenging and rewarding experience, we have adjusted the overall speed at which players can gain control of zones and move the campaign.
- Pet behavior has been improved and should act more naturally when changing between passive and defensive modes while the pet is fighting multiple enemies.
- The war against the gold sellers continues! We have introduced a new “report gold seller” command that works as follows: when you type /rg, the game will automatically fill out a gold seller appeal using the name of the last player who sent you a tell. If you get an unwanted /tell from a pesky gold seller, type /rg to start an appeal and get them busted!
- We have added a new option to the user settings that will allow players to enable or disable shader caching. This is a graphical performance option, and for a full explanation, players can hover their mouse over this option in the user settings window. This should help improve performance on many systems.
Regional Chat System:
- Chapter-based chat channels have been replaced with a farther reaching chat system, referred to as Region Chat. A region is defined as the contiguous zones that make up a tier-based racial pairing area. For example, Blighted Isle and Chrace make up one region. Region Chat consists of two channels, Region and Region-RvR.
Region encompasses the entire region area.
Region-RvR encompasses the RvR-focused areas, such as the Plain of Bone.
- How to use the Regional Chat System:
- To type in the Region channel, use /1 [message]
- To type in the Region-RvR channel, use /2 [message]
Note: You must be in the RvR-focused region to use the Region-RvR channel. Players on Open RvR servers will have access to Channel 2 at all times. - To disable these channels right click on the proper chat tab, go to “Tab Options” then “Filters.” Scroll down to Region and Region-RvR and uncheck the channels you no longer wish to view.
- If you have disabled either channel and wish to re-enable them simply return to the “Filters” menu and re-select the appropriate channels.
General Changes and Bug Fixes
- In order to ensure that the Apothecary skill remains a valuable crafting profession potions will no longer drop as frequently.
- Seeds for Cultivation will no longer drop as frequently throughout the world.
- Monsters should no longer disappear and then reappear when attacked at range by players.
- In some rare cases, the game would leave “ghost images” of NPCs who had moved away or de-spawned. As a result, players would see NPCs that were not actually there. We have taken steps to correct this issue, and players should see far fewer of these phantom NPCs.
- We fixed an issue that would sometimes cause monsters to break off in mid-combat and attempt to walk away.
- We have made some additional improvements to the pathing and behavior of monsters. These fixes should reduce pathing issues sometimes seen when pulling monsters at range.
- Nurglings will no longer continue to make aggressive sounds after they have been killed.
- Fixed a crash-issue that sometimes occurred when entering city dungeons.
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurred when searching the Auction House.
- We have made some adjustments to the Hydra boss in the Sacellum dungeon to bring this encounter more in line with the original design and difficulty.
Realm vs. Realm
- Reduced the interaction time required to deploy a guild standard
- Reduced the interaction time required for players to pick up standards that they own. Please Note: This does not include the capturing of enemy standards.
- Capturing an enemy standard will now reward the capturing player and his nearby allies with renown.
- Players can no longer be queued for a scenario while they already have an invite pending to a different scenario.
- Attempting to join a scenario that has already ended will no longer send players to the character select screen.
- Renown gained from healing players was granting more renown than intended over long periods of time. Players who heal other players will still earn renown for aiding their friends in combat, but large heals or repeated heal-over-time spells will result in lesser renown gains than before.
- While going over the data collected for renown gained by healing, we discovered a few incorrect values that led to players earning far more renown than designed. To ensure equal renown gains for players regardless of their chosen career and whether they group or not inside scenarios, we have made several adjustments to the way renown is granted from healing other players:
- Earning renown from healing players was erroneously granting renown while outside of RvR. This has been adjusted so getting renown for healing players outside of RvR or from a player that is not RvR flagged will occur less frequently.
- Healing players will grant renown correctly if the healed player has earned renown from killing other players recently.
标签: Patch
时间: 10/17/2008 0 评论
Warhammer Witch Hunter Overview
This is details about Warhammer Witch Hunter Overview. Just review the article at below, hope you enjoy!
Service to the Empire is honor, privilege, and the singular purpose of a Witch Hunter. Showing unrelenting dedication to the purge of Chaos, they follow the teachings of Sigmar which make up the very core of their soul. Masters of the blade and one of the few classes utilizing firearms, they bring forth judgment against their enemies with no mercy. Using stealth and combination attacks, the Warhammer Witch Hunter inflicts incredible amounts of damage with exacting precision and is a formidable foe on the battlefield.
The ability to inflict a high amount of damage quickly or over time.
The ability to move in stealth and utilize special surprise attacks.
Can build up points to use execution finishing moves which do high levels of damage
Is not a tank class and is susceptible to damage
Stealth abilities reduce movement speed
Ranged attack is relatively weak and short range
PvE Overview
The Witch Hunter's main role as DPS provides players the ability to deal heavy amounts of damage at the price of survivability. They can dispatch a single target extremely quickly but any additional encounters could kill them in short order.
Working much like the Rogue classes in other MMOG's the Witch Hunter builds up points in order to do finishing moves which can provide a variety of effects from normal damage, to an armor debuff. They also have skills which can only be used from stealth giving the Warhammer Witch Hunter a great balance in PvE combat.
RvR Overview
The Witch Hunter almost has a support role in RvR combat, meaning they can't rush into a one on one battle no matter how badly they want to. However, their versatility provide a number of combat options which can make them invaluable. If two well matched tanks are beating on each other, the Witch Hunter can turn the tide. Perhaps there is a particularly pesky healer or caster harassing people at long range. A Witch Hunter can move in, make short work of them and escape long before anyone figures out what happened. The only downside to the Witch Hunter is their inherent squishyness. When targeted by tanks or a pair of casters, they can be chewed up and spit out pretty quickly.
Witch Hunter Mastery Paths
Path of Confession: The Path of Confession is direct and uncompromising, and focused primarily on direct and immediate opposition to heresy. A specialist in Confession will eschew subtlety and lengthy investigations in favor of simply approaching their enemy and beating the truth out of them. While not necessarily the most powerful approach, it is effective in its straightforward brutality, and provides a small measure of increased protection when the Witch Hunter finds themselves under direct attack.
Path of Inquisition: The Path of Inquisition is focused on longer and detailed investigations, weakening and progressively working over an enemy until the victim's guilt is all but assured. A player with heavy Inquisition Mastery may appear less powerful at first glance, but the devastating effects of their attacks are felt more and more as the fight progresses.
Path of Judgement: The Path of Judgment is taken by Witch Hunters who are assured that their targets are guilty and no questioning is needed. They tend to take their suspects by surprise, and are at their best when the enemy's attention is elsewhere. A Master of Judgment will seek to avoid face-to-face confrontations, and will be at their most powerful when they have allies nearby that can distract their enemies, allowing the Warhammer Witch Hunter to lay down very potent attacks.
标签: Witch Hunter
时间: 10/17/2008 0 评论
Warhammer Tradeskills Information
Warhammer Online is retaining a very similar warhammer tradeskill profession such as the older massively multiplayer online role playing games. In World of Warcraft, gathering professions were first introduced but now Warhammer now currently has more gathering tradeskills than crafting. There are currently 4 gathering skills and only 2 crafting skills. The 4 gathering skill consists of cultivating, magical salvaging, butchering and scavenging. The 2 crafting profession currently available is apothecary and talisman making.
The Warhammer cultivating tradeskill in WAR allows the player to grow their own weeds and fungi which are used by the apothecary for ingredients. Cultivating requires seeds and spores that can be otained from monsters, scavenging and from most merchants in cities and towns. A pot is needed as well obviously. To get better results from cultivating, you can add soil, water and nutrients. The better you treat your plant, the better your plant will treat you.
The Warhammer magical salvaging tradeskill in WAR is the ability to break magical items into small magical fragments. These magical items can be obtained from PvE, RvR, quests and variety of other places. When salvaging an item, you can choose the type of stats to extract from that item. Along with the fragments you will also get what is known as essences. Both fragments and essences are used to make Talismans.
The last 2 gathering trade skills in WAR is butchering and scavenging. They are very similar in many ways, both skills are used to gather resources from a dead mob that has already been completely looted. Butchering is used on non-sentient mobs while scavenging for the more socially active mob, in another words, beast or humanoids.
The Warhammer apothecary trade skill uses ingredients found through cultivating and can turn them into potions, powders or lotions. It would be wise to be able to pair your characters or friends with different professions to gain the maximum benefits off each profession. There are many different type of potions and can provide various abilities. Some can add very low stats but have long durations while another of the equivalent level have higher stats but shorter duration.
The Warhammer talisman making profession hasn't been fully released yet but it allows you to create talismans. Talismans are known as the minor items of power which can be attacked to certain armors, weapons and grants permanent bonuses to that item. Only rate and powerful items are able to have talismans placed onto them. To create a talisman, you will need a contain along with the magical fragments and essences received from a player with the magical salvaging profession.
Every profession will yield its benefits. Gathering professions are better during the beginning of the game since you do not have any resources to craft nor yet may want to spend that gold to level up your crafting. A gathering profession can definitely reap its reward early. The crafting skill may be what you prefer mid to end game when you have all the resources at your hand. Whichever profession you should decide to go with, it's always best to pick one up early on the game. You can learn these trade skills from a trainer as early as the second Chapter of each faction.
More Warhammer Online Hacks
Oct 16, 2008
Warhammer Witch Elf class Review
The Warhammer Witch Elf dances with death, wielding her two daggers with an ease borne of ultimate confidence and her faith in Khaine. Don't get to close, as those blades bite with more than just their sharpened edge. This lady carries with her deadly poisons that she applies in battle, weakening the enemy's defenses and boiling his blood. Before he knows she is there, she emerges from the shadows and inflicts multiple debilitating wounds.
The longer she fights, the better she becomes as she builds up a pool of Blood Lust. The more Blood Lust she holds, the more damage her attacks deal out as she focuses her strength in one giant blow. Always on the move, looking for any weakness in the enemy's defenses, the Witch Elf never stands still.
Quick and penetrating damage
Attacks have potential to ignore armor
Stealthed movement and sneak attacks
Action Points pool runs out quickly
Light armor means battles must end quickly
Heavily dependent on potions
PvE Overview
A Witch Elf is an expert in quick and dirty fighting. Her poisons are her strength, and often several different Damage Over Time abilities can stack to more effectively eat away at the enemy's health. One on One battles should be chosen carefully. A Witch Elf will need to be able to kill the target quickly, or risk taking more damage than her Light (almost nothing!) Armor can protect her from. She will always be using her Action Points pool, and as such will want to carry yellow potions to replenish them quickly, along with health restorers for the longer fights.
RvR Overview
The Witch Elf shines in a group attack. With another to hold the attention of their foes, she is free to move behind the forces of Order, utilizing her strongest abilities from behind. Her expertise with poisons and debuffs creates vulnerabilities that her warband can take advantage of. She benefits her comrades further with her ability to severe a magic user's connection to their magic, and with a skill to regenerate the group's Action Points. With no specific taunts and Light Armor besides, the Witch Elf's place is to aid the tank.
Warhammer Witch Elf Mastery Paths
Path of Carnage: The Path of Carnage is mainly concerned with quickly and directly slaughtering anything that presents itself to the Witch Elf. Eschewing subtlety, a specialist in this path prefers to confront her enemies face-to-face...or at least, face-to-what's-left-of-their-face.
Path of Suffering: The Path of Suffering focuses more on effects that linger for some time, and a master in this path takes pleasure in leading her victims into a false sense of security. While her attacks may not seem dangerous at first, it's only moments later that the Witch Elf's enemy suddenly realizes that their death is imminent and there's nothing they can do to stop it.
Path of Treachery: The Path of Treachery appeals to those Warhammer Witch Elves who prefer to stalk their prey, attacking when the target is unsuspecting. A master of this path performs best in the thick of large, chaotic combats, where her victims are kept busy and unsuspecting, and she prefers to strike the enemy at their unprotected flanks.
Also check out another great post about Warhammer online builds: Witch elf template
标签: Witch Elf
时间: 10/16/2008 0 评论
Warhammer Witch Elf template build
This build is going to be a little unconventional. Most players that play a Warhammer Witch Elf will probably go hard in strength to raise their DPS, in this build we will concentrate on Weapon Skill. Here are the top three stats for this build:
Weapon Skill = adds to parry % as well as armor penetration %
Strength = adds to melee DPS as well as auto attack DPS
Wounds = adds to Hit Points
The 25 points will be placed as follows: (There will be a few extra points from RvR rewards, however we will not use them here)
15 in "Carnage"
Buy the following skills in the Carnage tree for one point each:
Elixir of Insane Power
Pierce Armor
Swift Blades
On Your Knees!
Blade Spin
Skills in the tree you do not buy: "Sharpened Edge" and "Broad Severing".
The last 5 points will be put in "Suffering". Only place 4 points in the actual tree and buy the skill "Kiss of Doom". Any additional points should also be placed in "Suffering".
80 RvR points to be placed in:
Blade Master level 1 = 1 point
Blade Master level 2 = 3 points
Blade Master level 3 = 6 points
Blade Master level 4 = 10 points
Blade Master level 5 = 14 points
Might level 1 = 1 point
Might level 2 = 3 points
Assault level 1 = 2 points
Assault level 2 = 4 points
Assault level 3 = 6 points
Reflexes level 1 = 5 points
Reflexes level 2 = 10 points
Reflexes level 3 = 15 points
The purpose of this build is to be an overwhelming threat to any class, and be able to deal with the retaliations of slicing through the front lines of PvP.
Here are the planned active morale Warhammer skills:
Level 1 = Sever Nerve
Level 2 = Force of Will
Level 3 = Death Reaper
Level 4 = Blade Spin
Slotted Tactics can be changed "on the fly", as long as you are not in combat. Since there are 5 quick slots available, I would set each set to a different use. One for PvP fight, one for PvP heal, one for PvE Group, and one for PvE solo. Here is my set for a "PvP fight":
Swift Blades
For the Hag Queen!
Kiss of Doom
Build Strength:
Let's face it, your job as a Warhammer Witch Elf is to run through(or use stealth) the frontline to get at the healers and casters. But what happens when you do this? Most likely you will always get agro from one or more melee classes. Having a huge parry chance with an auto attack when you do parry will greatly help your survivability. Add a 50% chance to knockdown on your frenzies, and the 50% chance for your Kiss to proc, will really come in handy in the end game PvP. This build will also help with solo confrontations. Some may argue that going with a heavy strength/crit build would be better, however you would be putting "all your eggs in one basket", and if your crit gets dodged/parried/blocked it is useless. Here every time you parry an attack the attacker is hit with an UNDEFENDABLE attack. Even though the Carnage tree already gives you massive armor reduction abilities for tank battles, Weapon Skill ALSO adds to armor penetration, besides the increased chance to parry.
Build Weakness:
No build is "perfect", however at this time I could not find any weakness, if this changes, I will let you know.
时间: 10/16/2008 0 评论
Oct 15, 2008
Warhammer Online Bots
Something useful information about Warhammer Online Bots - Warhammer Bots can be used to automated processes within the game and are similar to the inbuilt macros, but can perform much more complex tasks repeatedly for an unlimited amount of time.
Advantages of Warhammer Online Bots
- Boring tasks such as leveling and farming can be automated - you reap the rewards without the work
- Advantages can be taken within player versus player combat
- Large amounts of gold and loot can be collected in short periods of time
Disadvantages of Warhammer Online Bots
- Fairly easy to get banned if you're not careful (see below)
- Require frequent updates as Warhammer Online is patched
Warhammer Online bots can be used in really any aspect of the game, but nevertheless here are some examples of how people would use one such bot:
- Leveling and looting . Navigate a small part of the world to repeatedly kill enemies (using a set order of skills) and then looting them afterwards.
- Auto healing . The user is automatically healed when they have less than X health, but more than Y mana.
- Traveling . Setting waypoints across a world so instead of having to walk long/annoying distances, you can press a button and your character will walk their themselves.
Bots are tricky tools to use effectively without getting caught, but I do have some advice. Firstly, always try to be at least near your computer when botting. Most bots will allow for sound notifications when another player or a game master is present on your screen so you can quickly get back to the game and reply to them if they talk to you.
Varying where you bot is also very important. A proficient botter will have 10-20 different locations where they bot, and will regularly (and randomly) rotate between locations. If a level 30 hunts squigs for 3 days in a row in the same location it becomes noticeable and should definitely be avoided.
Finally, botting should be used as an accessory to Warhammer Online, don't use them to play the whole game, otherwise you're paying $15 per month to see a few numbers on a screen go up. Play the game yourself, but as you feel the grind, switch over to a warhammer bot to get past the boring bumps in the game.
More Warhammer Online Hacks
标签: Bots
时间: 10/15/2008 0 评论
Tips on Warhammer Online Shaman Guides
The support prototype and work as the backline offense by the Bloody Sun Boyz of the Greenskins, the shaman are magic users who are playful and their focus is on the WAAAGH! Power of the Greenskins. This power has the ability to heal and fawn alternately their allies, to destroy and withstand their enemies using Mork and Gork characters who are the Gods of the Greenskins. High Elven Archmage is being paired with them. Avid gamers have constructed WAR or Warhammer Online shaman guides to help out newbies and other players to both play as and fight against them.
Goblins spell casters chosen by the Greenskin army. They are shamans with abilities to manipulate both the offensive and defensive attack with healing magic to be used in and out as well of the battle. If they are force to a fight or counterattack, they are capable in doing bonking attack on his opponent but staying out of the battle is essential with shaman's survival. Shamans being a versatile caster of spells, their words and chants could either be of healing his companions and people and also powerful in making injurious attacks to his opponent. When these two powers are said to be in balance, shamans are said to be expert and efficient. They are very indispensable if face with any Greenskin unit.
Warhammer Shaman Abilities
Lots of information are outlined in WAR or warhammer online shaman guide. Some of their tactics and skills and tactics are listed below and they were identified as either healing spells (the Path of Mork) or damaging spells which is in lined with the Path of Gork.
Brain Bursta
It is a damaging spell of a warhammer shaman where in it reduces casting time with every Waaagh! Point. There is no cool down in this spell. Additional 45 action points that could reach 100 feet range. Damage the opponent with X spirit.
Gork'll Fix It
It is a healing spell along with the Path of Mork. With this ability, the target of this spell immediately regains health and continuously gain additional X health in a span of 9 seconds. It also reduces casting time because of the Mork's Waaagh! With 60 action points, no cool down and 150 feet range.
It is instant casts with 30 second cool down yet with 0 points with no range as well. Core ability on all careers by the Buff.
It is divided into two, the damaging and healing spells. The meter ranges usually vary from zero meters (no bonus point) to five meters which give them the maximum bonus. Spells have its own alignment while some may have not had this. If it's not aligned will do nothing which means it has no power to either remove or contribute Waaghs!
Path of Gork (spells of damaging kind)
Path of Mork ( spells of healing)
The Waaagh! Bonus will likely to reduce the shaman casting time but in instant cast spells the effectiveness of the said spell is greatly increased. Having a WAR or Warhammer Online shaman guide will help you drastically improve your game.
Do you want to get left behind, or always be one step ahead of everyone else in Warhammer Online?
时间: 10/15/2008 0 评论
Warhammer Shaman Class Review
Warhammer Shaman Class Review is here, check it out below!
- Quests / Public Quests in all zones
- Scenarios in all zones
- Open RvR in all zones
Warhammer Shaman Solo PvE Leveling via Quests:
The shaman does decent doing this. If you get a good spell rotation that works for you, you can pretty much pull mobs close to non-stop. Your ability to heal yourself makes you decent at same to higher level mobs. However Champion and Hero Mobs will compeltly eat you up, even if they are lower than you by 1 or 2 levels. They are completly squishy. Sure you can heal yourself, but then you arent damaging the mob, and eventually you will run out of APs, and die. Not to mention that champs will hit you for 10/20% of your hits, and your only big heal has a push back like WHOA. More on that in PvP section. Once you get moral 1 ability, you have a great get-a-way skill. POP your heal/dot on a mob, hot yourself, hit moral ability and sprint, and you will get away 95% of the time.
There was not a single time where I had any problem with any quest same level or 1 higher.
Warhammer Shaman Public Quests:
If you are a shaman and not in the top 3, you are just flat out just sitting there and dpsing. If you heal and dps (the tools you are supposed to use) YOU WILL ABSOLUTLY BE TOP 3. I was doing PQs with people 3-4 levels higher than me and I was still top 3. Only ones I have trouble hanging with is Tanks. I think the PQs give extra credit for holding aggor (which I am glad they do because tanks dont do as much damage as the DPS classes).
Overall PvE weekness: Well if you even consider this a weekness. You cant solo Champ/Hero mobs, and you cant multi pull like the aoe-ers. But you more than make up but the compelte utility you have in the group PvE settings.
Warhammer Shaman PvP Scenarios:
Hmm where to start. Even with the mechanic to split healing RPs within the group, There have been many Scenarios where I was first in healing and top 4 in DPS. Nothing irks me more than shamans that just sit there and DPS, and only heal themselves. This is the #1 reason I believe Order is winning more Scenarios than Destruction. They dont seem to have a problem being "support" with all of thier classes. I have been on my tank with 5 shamans behind me and I would not get a single heal. Geez. how hard can it be. Not to mention that with your 3 second heal you will get much RPs.
Now the difficult part, if you are healing in a Scenario. Order players WILL notice you, and you WILL absolutly be targeted by Witch Hunters and WPs.
For some reason, they seem to be the classes i have REAL problems getting away from.
NOTE: If a tank puts guard on you. HEAL HIM. PERIOD. Heal him.
Oh and last thing. King of the hill is SOOOOO fun. Keep your back to the wall and keeps your tanks up so they can protect you.. FUN!!!
Warhammer Shaman Open RvR:
This is ABSOLUTLY where shamans shine. They have CRAZY utility. Keep fight/zerg fight/Battle Objective fights. Shamans can sit back and DPS the crap out of Order AND heal those tanks that are running back to the safty of the zerg. Keep fights you can heal heal heal, and drop some DPS on the occasional chucklehead that is foolish enough to stand in the way of DESTRUCTION.
They key is to get in a spot where you can heal with LOS, but Order has no LOS on you. Then you pop out and dump 5 WAAG DPS spells on them MUHAHAHAHA
Warhammer Shaman PvP WEAKNESS:
Warhammer Shamans are OMG squishy. Any melee with a snare will put a hurting on you. Your only completly effective heal is a 3 second heal with CRAZY pushback. Any Lion Elf worth his weight in salt will put his pet on any shaman it sees not DPSing. If you dont have tanks smart enough to taunt them, you will effectivly be shutdown. Communication with your tanks is absolutly essential, as they are the only ones who can save you. This is why organized groups have so much of an advantage. I think if Mythic gives them some sort of PBAoE snare, they would be perfect.
If you level the way I think Mythic intended people to level, you should be roughly Rank 20 RR 12-15 depending if you win more than you lose in Scenarios.
This class is really fun to play, but not going to be easy to master. My idea of mastering a class is being able to utilize all of its tools no matter what spec you are. Warhammer Shamans who can DPs for 20k and heal for 0 are not masters of thier class. Same for those that heal for 20k and do no DPS.
Your job is to Heal for 20k and DPS for 10k :P And your ability to make any heal INSTANT by DPSing means that you absolutly should be able to keep the tank alive, AND get deathblows by dumping spells on those low health people trying to give you realm points. But in all seriousness, it will be your 15$ so play how you want to play.. have fun and dont let anyone else tell you how to play your warhammer shaman class.
时间: 10/15/2008 0 评论
Oct 14, 2008
Warhammer online crafting system
With Warhammer Online releasing on September 18th, many of you may be wondering about the Warhammer crafting system. I was able to do some crafting last weekend during the Preview weekend and would like to share what I have learned.
Warhammer crafting is pretty straight forward. There are two different types of warhammer crafting - harvesting and finished product crafting. There are four types of harvesting crafts. Scavenging is scrounging usable stuff from humanoid type mobs after you have killed them. Butchering is pretty much the same thing as scavenging only from dead animals. Cultivating is farming or growing items to be used to make finished products. Magical salvaging is breaking down items into crafting supplies. There are only two types of finished product crafting at this time. Apothecary is basically potion making and can be pretty handy. You can make healing potions, stat buffs, or cause damage that can really help in RvR. Talisman Making creates adornments to be added to armor and weapons.
I would recommend everyone get a harvesting craft early in the game. Around level 5, you will come across a quest camp with crafting trainers in it. As a beginner Warhammer craft I would recommend Scavenging. It seems there are more humanoids to be killed than animals and even if you don't plan to craft right away or ever, you can scavenge items to sell to a merchant to make money early on. You can even scavenge from other players after you have killed them in RvR. It also makes sense to have your first character scavenge because it doesn't require anything but dead bodies to skill up and you gain items usable in cultivating, apothecary and talisman making.
Finished product crafting is pretty easy and skill ups come fast. There are no recipes in Warhammer crafting so you just open the crafting window, put the items in there and see what happens when you combine them. In Warhammer Apothecary, for instance, you put in a glass vial to hold your potion, you add a basic ingredient like Elvish Parsley (to make a healing potion) and then you have three more slots that you can buy items to enhance the combination, increase the number of potions created or make it more stable (more likely to succeed). This is where your scavenging comes in. If you have scavenged something that says it does something interesting, you can just throw it in to the mix at this point and see what you get from the combine. No recipes to search for or buy.
According to Mythic, Warhammer crafting is not necessary but is meant to enhance RvR. So it's all about being tougher or better at attacking or more resistant to magic, etc. Everything in the game is centered on killing the enemy.
标签: Apothecary, Crafting
时间: 10/14/2008 0 评论