==What is Atlasloot==
WOW AtlasLoot Enhanced is an UI mod allowing for loot tables of bosses to be browsed whenever needed within the game. It can access full item tooltips, show drop rates, allow items to be chat linked and to use the dressing room.
==Integration in other mods==
Atlasloot can be used as a stand-alone browser without a host mod or integrated in any map mod (works at the moment with Atlas and AlphaMap.)
Want Atlasloot Loot tables in your mod? Simply call the new function AtlasLoot_ShowBossLoot().
Example: You want to see Lucifron's loot attached to you player portrait....
pFrame = {"TOPLEFT", "PlayerFrame", "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0 }
AtlasLoot_ShowBossLoot(MCLucifron, "Lucifron", pFrame);
pFrame is an array holding how to display the loot.
pFrame = { anchor point, frame to anchor to, relative anchor point, x offset, y offset }
AtlasLoot_ShowBossLoot has the location of the data, text to be displayed as the boss name and the pFrame.
AtlasLoot_ShowBossLoot( dataID, Boss Name, pFrame)
==Latest Beta==
We do not officially release beta versions for Atlasloot. But you can update the mod daily through the wow Ace SVN. Please note that we can not guarantee a bug-free and fully functional mod if you update from Ace.
==Configuration Menu==
Accessed by right-clicking the AtlasLoot minimap button or from the 'Options' button available on any AtlasLoot interface.
* Show Minimap Button: Adds the Atlasloot icon to the Minimap.
* Hide Atlasloot Panel: Removes the Atlasloot Panel from the main Atlas window.
* Safe Chat Links: Can only link items without the (Item Unavailable) tag. Slight chance of disconnect if you have an item in your local cache the server has not seen for a while, but unlikely.
* Enable all Chat Links (USE AT YOUR OWN RISK): Strong chance of disconnects, especially on items your server hasn't seen yet.
* AutoQuery items on loot tables (Disconnection risk): Atlasloot will automaticly query the server for all items on any loot table opened. Chance of disconnects.
* Supress text spam when querying items: This option disables the text, that is shown in your chat window, when you query the server for an item.
* Enhanced Tooltips: If you have Lootlink or ItemSync installed, you can use tooltips generated by them instead of the default tooltip. I recommend the Lootlink tooltips, they handle data not in your local cache well. If an item has (no iteminfo) after it you can only get the tooltip via Lootlink or ItemSync. Be careful with ItemSync, it is unstable on items not seen on your server (just the way ItemSync is).
* Show itemIDs at all times: Adds the itemID to the item tooltip.
* Show Comparison Tooltips: If you have EquipCompare installed it will use it, if not it uses the default Blizzard stuff.
* Notify me when a LoD Module is loaded: [something]
* Load all loot modules at startup: Atlasloot contains several modules. With this option enabled all of the modules, that you have installed, are loaded at startup.
* Make Loot Table Opaque: Makes the loot table background black so you can't see the map underneath.
==Slash Commands==
* '/al' or '/atlasloot' by itself brings up the loot browser.
* '/atlasloot options' brings up the options menu.
* '/atlasloot reset' resets the last viewed loot table (fixes disconnects when opening AtlasLoot) and moves all draggable frames back to the middle of the screen.
Drop Rates: Appended to the bottom of the tooltip of an item when moused over (if available).
Dressing Room: Control-click items to show them in the Dressing Room.
Price Preview: See the prices for token items like PvP rewards.
DKP systems: Simply edit the file 'dkp.lua' using data from localization.en.lua (for the item ID numbers) and your guild's fixed price values to allow for DKP values to be shown in the tooltip. The stubs of some Lucifron items have been included to get you started and show you how it's done.
Security: AtlasLoot flags as unsafe any items it detects that may cause you to be disconnected from the server if you try to link it in the chat window. To attempt to get the item information from the server, simply right-click on it. Note: you may get disconnected if the item is not available on your server.
Instance Loot: All instance loot from every Dungeon (Normal and Heroic) and Raid.
World Raid Bosses: Highlord Kruul, Azuregos, Dragons of the Nightmare, Doom Lord Kazzak and Doomwalker.
Factions: wow Factions and Burning Crusade factions rewards.
PvP: World PvP Items, Battleground Items including low level items, Honor rewards - Weapons and Armor, Arena Rewards - Weapons and Armor for all seasons.
Sets: ZG, AQ20, AQ40, Dugeon 1, 2 and 3, Tier 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 Armor sets, Pre-60 sets, Crafted Sets, Crafted Epic Weapons, Tabards, Rare Mounts, Legendary Items, World BoE Epic Weapons, Heroic Token rewards.
World Events: Skettis, Abyssal Council, Ethereum Prison, etc.
Season Events: Feast of Winter Veil, Hallow's End, Brewfest, etc.
Wishlist: Alt-click on any item to add it to the wishlist, alt-clicking on an item in the wishlist deletes it. There are buttons added to the Atlas panel and the loot browser to open the wishlist.
Partial Searching: Allows searching the whole AtlasLoot database for an item where you only know part of the name.
Quicklooks [b]NEW IN 4.06.00[b]: Bind up to four loot tables to 'Quicklook' buttons, allowing you to jump to them with only one click.
===Using AtlasLoot Search===
To use the search function, just type as much of the name of the item as you can and click search. For example, if I type 'Potion' I will get multiple pages of results as every item in the database with 'potion' in its name is displayed. From here, just left-click on the item you were looking for to jump to the loot page it came from.
The small '->' button next to the search box allows you to toggle on and off which Load on Demand modules you want to search through. For example, you may only want to search PvP items, so you would untick all the LoD modules except the Sets and PvP module.
===The Wishlist===
The Wishlist is a much demanded feature that is finally available from version 4.05.00. The wishlist is accessed by clicking the 'Wishlist' button at the bottom of the Atlas frame or the loot browser. To add an item to the wishlist while browsing in AtlasLoot, simply Alt-Left Click on the item. To remove an item, click on the 'Wishlist' button to enter the wish list, and alt-click any item to remove it.
AtlasLoot was originally created by Pernicius as a plugin for Atlas and contained a handful of raid loot tables to browse. Unfortunately, Pernicius was unable to maintain the mod, so Daviesh took over and renamed it to AtlasLoot Enhanced to provide a distinction between the two versions. Since that time, AtlasLoot has grown to cover every loot table for every boss, every item set, PvP Items and items for every reputation faction.
This mod is distributed under Version 2 of the GPL. A copy of the GPL is included in this zip file with links to non-English translations.
==Current Team==
Author and Coder: Daviesh
Co-Author and German translator: Hegarol
Co-Author: Celellach
French translation by TrAsHeR
Simp. Chinese translation by Kurax
Spanish translation by maqjav
Trad. Chinese translation by Arith
Sep 19, 2009
WoW AtlasLoot Enhanced v4.06.03
Sep 17, 2009
Patch 3.2.2 PTR: Another Beast Within change
Blizzard's been messing around with Bestial Wrath and The Beast Within over on the patch 3.2.2 PTR -- they've added some CC-breaking utility to it, as well as a mana reduction, while also lowering the duration (and that's what many players latched on to, crying foul). Those angry folks still probably don't have a reason to cheer, but Mania, via MMO Champion, tells us that Blizzard is at least on the way back up with Beast Within: they've upped the mana cost reduction to 50% from the 20% it was before.
Of course, this is the PTR we're talking about, so this change isn't set in stone any more than the first change was (not to mention that in the next expansion, Hunters won't need mana anyway, so who knows what'll happen then). But those of you who freaked out over the first Bestial Wrath changes can at least take comfort in the fact that the talent is still being worked on.
标签: World of Warcraft, WoW
Blizzard is tracking 180,000 WoW Bugs
During the keynote today at the Austin Game Developers Conference, Executive Vice President Frank Pearce and Production Director J. Allen Brack spoke at length about the internal workings of the WoW team and how they get their jobs done.
One of the more stunning things to come out of the keynote, which we'll have fully written up for you later today, is the fact that there are just under 180k bugs Blizzard is tracking in WoW. That means their wow bug database has 180,000 entries which are in some stage of being fixed (have been fixed, have not been fixed, or being worked on).
To me this number seems very large for a video game. I can understand an operating system like Windows 7 having an unreasonably large number of bugs in it like this, but for a video game -- even one as complex as WoW -- that number is quite astounding.
It does raise the inevitable question: what is Blizzard doing to fix all these? And how does this relate to the extremely long wait times for GM contact in game? We also learned that Blizzard only employs 2500 worldwide in Customer Service. That includes things like phone bank operators, GMs, forum mods, etc...
While those 2500 people might seem like a lot, and in many ways it is, the recent customer service level of WoW shows that these resources might not be enough.
On that note as well, I'm quite surprised that Blizzard actually released these numbers. I loath what the forums will look like in a day when people start quipping to Nethaera or Ghostcrawler about the 180,000 bugs. But it was Blizzard's decision to put that number out there. Here's hoping it doesn't skyrocket to 200,000 when Ony starts to spawn more Whelps in wow patch 3.2.2.
Sony, Turbine, Jagex, Blizzard, and NCsoft named in patent infringement lawsuit
It seems to be a World of Lawsuits (TM) recently in our industry. Bloggers are being sued for libel, NCsoft is being sued for patent infringement, Linden Labs is being sued for trademark violations, Turbine is suing Atari, and now five companies are all being sued over a patent dispute.
The Boston Globe has reported that Paltalk Holdings Inc. has filed a complaint in Texas against Sony Corp., Activision Blizzard Inc., Turbine Inc., NCsoft Corp., and Jagex Ltd. all for games that violate their patent on computers sharing data so that all users can see the same virtual environment. The games in question are EverQuest, World of Warcraft, Lord of the Rings Online, Guild Wars, and RuneScape (in order of the companies as named above.)
What makes this lawsuit different from the standard patent shakedowns that we've been reporting on is that the patent has already been successfully used in court. Paltalk has already sued, and won against, Microsoft. In 2006, the company sued Microsoft over the multiplayer features included in Halo series. Microsoft took the suit to court, but ended up settling with Paltalk in mid-trial by paying an undisclosed sum of money. This win gives the lawsuit more legs to stand on, hence why Paltalk is now going after all of the industry bigwigs, including Activision Blizzard.
If you're confused as to how Microsoft settling to Paltalk gives them more credibility in court, it's because Microsoft's bow lends credit to the validity of the patents. This prior case can be used in court, making the suit hard to defend against. Turbine and NCsoft, as stated before, are also already involved in suits of their own, making legal defense trickier for these two companies.