Oct 15, 2008

Tips on Warhammer Online Shaman Guides

The support prototype and work as the backline offense by the Bloody Sun Boyz of the Greenskins, the shaman are magic users who are playful and their focus is on the WAAAGH! Power of the Greenskins. This power has the ability to heal and fawn alternately their allies, to destroy and withstand their enemies using Mork and Gork characters who are the Gods of the Greenskins. High Elven Archmage is being paired with them. Avid gamers have constructed WAR or Warhammer Online shaman guides to help out newbies and other players to both play as and fight against them.


Goblins spell casters chosen by the Greenskin army. They are shamans with abilities to manipulate both the offensive and defensive attack with healing magic to be used in and out as well of the battle. If they are force to a fight or counterattack, they are capable in doing bonking attack on his opponent but staying out of the battle is essential with shaman's survival. Shamans being a versatile caster of spells, their words and chants could either be of healing his companions and people and also powerful in making injurious attacks to his opponent. When these two powers are said to be in balance, shamans are said to be expert and efficient. They are very indispensable if face with any Greenskin unit.

Warhammer Shaman Abilities

Lots of information are outlined in WAR or warhammer online shaman guide. Some of their tactics and skills and tactics are listed below and they were identified as either healing spells (the Path of Mork) or damaging spells which is in lined with the Path of Gork.

Brain Bursta

It is a damaging spell of a warhammer shaman where in it reduces casting time with every Waaagh! Point. There is no cool down in this spell. Additional 45 action points that could reach 100 feet range. Damage the opponent with X spirit.

Gork'll Fix It

It is a healing spell along with the Path of Mork. With this ability, the target of this spell immediately regains health and continuously gain additional X health in a span of 9 seconds. It also reduces casting time because of the Mork's Waaagh! With 60 action points, no cool down and 150 feet range.


It is instant casts with 30 second cool down yet with 0 points with no range as well. Core ability on all careers by the Buff.


It is divided into two, the damaging and healing spells. The meter ranges usually vary from zero meters (no bonus point) to five meters which give them the maximum bonus. Spells have its own alignment while some may have not had this. If it's not aligned will do nothing which means it has no power to either remove or contribute Waaghs!

Path of Gork (spells of damaging kind)

Path of Mork ( spells of healing)

The Waaagh! Bonus will likely to reduce the shaman casting time but in instant cast spells the effectiveness of the said spell is greatly increased. Having a WAR or Warhammer Online shaman guide will help you drastically improve your game.

Do you want to get left behind, or always be one step ahead of everyone else in Warhammer Online?

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