Dec 13, 2008

Warhammer Builds: Shadow Warrior template

This will be a "Distance" Warhammer build, concentrating on ranged and ranged AOE attacks.

  • Ballistic Skill = Increases ranged damage
  • Wounds = adds to hit points
  • Initiative = Increases your chance to dodge ranged attacks, detect stealthed opponents and makes it more difficult for enemies to critically hit you.
The 25 points will be placed as follows: (There will be a few extra points due to RvR rewards, however we will not use them here)

15 in "The Scout"

Buy the following skills in the "The Scout" tree for one point each:
  • Enchanted Arrows
  • Glass Arrow
  • Festering Arrow
  • Guerrilla Training
  • Fell The Weak
  • Rain of Steel

Skills in the tree you do not buy: "Leading Shots".

The last 4 points will be put in the "Assault" tree. Any additional points should also be placed in "Assault", there is no reason to buy the bottom skill in the tree.

80 RvR points to be placed in:

  • Marksmen level 1 = 1 point
  • Marksmen level 2 = 3 points
  • Marksmen level 3 = 6 points
  • Marksmen level 4 = 10 points
  • Marksmen level 5 = 14 points

  • Impetus level 1 = 1 point
  • impetus level 2 = 3 points

  • Sharp Shooter level 1 = 2 points
  • Sharp Shooter level 2 = 4 points
  • Sharp Shooter level 3 = 6 points

  • Sure Shot level 1 = 5 points
  • Sure Shot level 2 = 10 points
  • Sure Shot level 3 = 15 points

The purpose of this build is to be able to stay in the back and deal out decent single target and AOE damage to thin out the healers and nukers.

Here are the planned active morale skills:

  • Level 1 = Lileath's Forgiveness
  • Level 2 = Unshakable Focus
  • Level 3 = Explosive Shots
  • Level 4 = Rain of Steel

Slotted Tactics can be changed "on the fly", as long as you are not in combat. Since there are 5 quick slots available, I would use each one in a different situation. One for PvP fight, one for PvE Group, and one for PvE solo. Here is my choice for a "PvP fight":

  • Steady Aim
  • Guerrilla Training
  • Instinctive Aim
  • Enchanted Arrows

Build Strength:

Decent ranged DPS, including above average AOE damage.

Build Weakness:

No melee skills, as such STAY at range using this build.

Dec 9, 2008

WAR Empire Knight of the Blazing Sun Review

Knight of the Blazing Sun Overview:

Heavily armored, notoriously crafty and exceptionally dangerous at close when in the midst of their troops, the Knight of the Blazing Sun should be a prime target for any assault. If you are able to strike down the Knight, his allies will become demoralized and weakened by panic – making them far easier to defeat. Be wary of the fact that – unlike members of other knightly orders – the Knights of the Blazing Sun are not at all averse to trickery and feel no obligation to engage their foes with what some regard as “honor.” A Knight of the Blazing Sun is more than willing to disarm an opponent and then take their head.

Knight of the Blazing Sun Quick Info

  • Faction: Order
  • Race: Empire
  • Role: Tank
  • Armor: Heavy
  • Primary Weapons: Sword
  • Primary Stats: Strength, Toughness


    • Uses AE to buff allies and debuff enemies
    • Uses shields for long survivability
    • Uses damage reflection to mitigate attacks against them


    • Lack of ranged attacks mean combat must be up close
    • Has trouble defending against ranged DPS classes
    • Class is still being adjusted

    PvE Overview

    Knights of the Blazing Sun affect the battle through the use of Battlefield Commands which debuff enemies and buff allies. Using a sword and shield they are strong enough to sustain an enormous amount of damage.

    In a group, the Knight has a clear tanking role which will put them on the front lines of any engagement. They can be speced for specific Battlefield Command sets but can do increased damage, buffing, or debuffing to suit the situation. Truly excelling while working with a healer and DPS, they make an exceptional addition and can replace any Ironbreaker or Swordmaster if necessary.

    RvR Overview

    The Knight has a very simple role in RvR, to rush the enemy with a focus on ranged casters and healers. While they will need a healer themselves to be effective, pairing up with an Ironbreaker or Swordmaster will prove to be a very dangerous combination.

    In a keep siege a Knight will likely find themselves trying to hold a doorway or tying up a Black Orc or Chosen. In more open situations, a solid tank like this can occupy a number of DPS which would have normally been targetting weaker classes. They will take damage, and lots of it all for the glory of their group.

    Knight of the Blazing Sun Mastery Paths

    Path of Conquest: Knights who choose the Path of Conquest will become experts at pushing the battle line forward. Their battlefield commands focus on bolstering the fighting strength of their allies to take advantage of their opponent's weaknesses. Knights focused on Conquest traditionally forego the use of a sword and shield in favor of the more offensively oriented great sword.

    Path of Vigilance: The Path of Vigilance focuses on building a strong defense to cripple opponents and protect allies. Knights choosing this mastery have a variety of commands that will increase their defensive prowess as well as those of nearby allies. This allows them to dig in and hold against almost any assault. Masters of the Path of Vigilance generally choose a stout shield and broadsword combination when defending their allies.

    Path of Glory: Knights mastering the Path of Glory excel at inspiring troops to ever greater feats of courage. As such, these Knights can be found almost anywhere on the battlefield leading by example and are a welcome addition to both defensive and offensive maneuvers. Glory can be found regardless of arms and armor, and as such Knights of this mastery can be found wielding either a great sword or sword and shield combination.

Dec 8, 2008

Warhammer Patch 1.1 Notes

So you read the highlights yesterday, now’s the time for the real thing. These are the full warhammer patch 1.1 changes and additions to make War a better game. If you want to test the patch before it goes live you can read the instructions on getting on the Public Test Server here.

Introducing Easy Public Quests:

  • Beginning with update 1.1, we are launching a new initiative to expand the scope of our Public Quest experience. Now, solo players and small groups can also participate in these unique and exciting encounters that are one of WAR’s most innovative features.
  • We have reviewed each Chapter in Tier 1, including all three racial pairings, and have altered one Public Quest in each Chapter (with the notable exception of Chapter One) to be suitable for 1-3 players. We have reduced the numbers on monster kill and gather counters, lowered the difficulty of the second- and third-stage enemies and bosses, and scaled down the rewards of these PQs correspondingly.
  • The Public Quest interface which appears on the right side of the screen when a player enters a Public Quest area will now display which Public Quests are now easier to complete.
  • We will continue adjusting one Public Quest per Chapter through the remaining three Tiers in the weeks and months to come, so be sure to check the Warhammer Online Herald for updates on our progress!

Chat Hyper Linking:

One of the most requested features from our players finally makes its debut: Chat Hyper Linking! Simply Shift Left-Click on an item, an ability in the ability window, a quest in the quest tracker, or even another player now places a hyperlink into the chat input window. Other players can then click on the link to open a window displaying the item, ability, quest, or player information. Players can have as many unique windows open as they wish. Let the online item stat comparisons begin!

  • Because of the addition of this new feature, splitting a stack, which used to require a Shift Left-Click action, now uses Shift Right-Click.
  • Right-Clicking a player name in the chat window now brings up a context menu with options to ignore, add as friend, invite to group, inspect, target, etc: Pretty much every reasonable interaction you’ve ever wanted to have with a player speaking in a chat channel.

Armor Set Improvements:

This patch represents a pretty significant improvement to Armor Sets in all Tiers. We have made a number of adjustments across many sets to ensure that these items remain both highly competitive and desirable. Changes to these items will automatically take effect on existing items in the game.:

  • Armor Sets are now represented with their own special item type represented by Gold Text.
  • We have looked carefully at all sets to ensure that their bonuses are attractive to the careers they are designed for.
  • The bonus on many individual set items have been increased in power to make them more competitive with other Rare and Very Rare drops at their level.
  • Some set items have had their equip level decreased, allowing them to be used at an earlier level.
  • Crafters will be able to Salvage most set items. Only set items that are available for purchase from a merchant will be flagged as No Salvage.
  • We have added an additional item to the following armor sets: Redeye, Devastator, and Keeper.
  • The following set items have been made bind-on-equip: Sentinel Belt, Conqueror Boots, Invader Boots, and Warlord Boots.

Encounter Ward System Adjustments

After continued testing, we have revised the way that the Ward System works. Encounters will now be slightly harder for players without wards; however, players will need less total ward items to become competitive, and will gain an extra benefit if they complete the entire ward set.

  • Players without warded armor will continue take up to 200% additional damage from certain monsters. Each appropriate ward worn will continue to reduce that damage by 40% per item.
  • Players without warded armor will now have 40% damage output against certain monsters. For each piece of appropriate ward armor worn, the player’s damage output against those monsters will increase by 15%.
  • Players who wear all five pieces of warded armor will deal an additional 15% bonus damage to certain monsters.

PQ Gold Bag Changes

Part of improving set items was making these items more frequently available to players. As such we have made a number of adjustments to Gold Bags in PQ’s to help us deliver these items to the players more frequently without introducing too many new Rare or Very Rare items into the game.

  • Gold bags will now only drop Set Items, Crafting Materials, or Money.
  • The drop rate for Gold Bags has been increased in almost every PQ in the game.

    • Easy difficulty PQ’s will now drop bags slightly more frequently.
    • Medium difficulty PQ’s will now drop bags more frequently.
    • Hard difficulty PQ’s will drop gold bags much more frequently and will also have a chance to drop up to two gold bags.

Open RvR Influence:

One of the most recently requested items by our community has been incentives for open RvR. The open RvR system is the first of many new features and improvements we have slated to ensure that WAR is the best RvR experience on the market.

Influence can be earned both by killing players as well as capturing or defending Keeps and Battlefield Objectives. When a player participates in a pairing’s open RvR, they will earn Influence with that race in that Tier. The more Influence you earn, the better the rewards you can obtain by speaking with the Rallymaster located in that area’s warcamps. For more information on rewards please see the detailed notes below.

  • Each open RvR influence area offers basic, advanced, and elite rewards for a total of 9 rewards per Tier.
  • New Rare items are available as rewards for more casual RvR players.
  • New Very Rare items are available as rewards for hardcore RvR players.
  • Open RvR influence introduces many new weapons and accessories that players can earn exclusively in RvR!

Main Assist:

In order to help groups feel more cohesive and assist in cooperation among group members, we have added a simple main assist function which can be assigned by the group leader.

  • The leader of a group may designate a group member as the “main assist” player for that group. This status can only be changed by the group leader, and by the player who has been designated as the main assist player.
  • By default, the leader of a group is set to be that group’s main assist player when the group is first created.
  • When a group contains a main assist player, a main assist button will be visible on the interface of each player in the group.
  • When a player clicks on this button, that player’s target will immediately change to match the current target of the main assist player.
  • Assignment of the main assist designation can be done through the party context menu, or with the slash command /mainassist [PlayerName] or /makemainassist [PlayerName].
  • In scenarios, the main assist status is not given to anyone at party creation, but is instead up for claim to any player in the scenario group. When someone has claimed main assist, only that player can reassign it to someone else in the group.

Player Statue System:

Introducing something the team is really excited to bring into the game: Player statues. These statues are located in the War Quarter in Altdorf and in the Undercroft in Inevitable City, and have been enabled to display the top ten Renown Point earners of the previous week and the weekly top Renown Point earner of each realm for that server. If you are the best of the best for your realm, you will now have a representative statue (based on career and gender) with your name on it, making you an idol to millions (at least until someone dethrones you). More information will be posted in the Dev Diary this Friday on the Herald!

General Changes and Bug Fixes:

  • Death animations will now play more in sync with the exact moment of a character’s death.
  • Players will now receive the message: “Your Target Can’t Reach You” when they are targeting a monster that is attempting to reach them, but can’t.
  • Newly created dual-wielding characters will display weapons in both hands on the character select screen.
  • Reduced the amount of time that monster corpses will be visible in the world after being killed by another monster.
  • When players speak to a Kill Collector NPC for the first time, they will now be presented with the proper dialogue.
  • Monsters with names that have partial matches to profanity will no longer have their names filtered. For example, “Assassin” will no longer be displayed as “******in”.
  • Players will now be able to properly use the /follow slash command to follow friendly players through water.
  • Players who attempt to zone into a dungeon that has an encounter in progress will no longer receive two messages about not being able to enter.
  • Players will no longer receive kill credit for monsters when half or more of the damage done was from another monster.
  • Players in first-person view will no longer see their shadow.
  • When exiting the game, the client will now shut down and return the user to desktop more quickly.
  • Fixed an issue that caused players standing on top of a structure, such as a wall, to appear to be standing on the ground.
  • Fixed various ghosting issues that caused players to appear to be stuck running in place, or to still be mounted even after dismounting.
  • Fixed an issue that caused some players and player pets to become invisible when a large number of players and/or monsters were in close proximity to each other.
  • Fixed an issue that caused monster and player models to become distorted and stretched on the screen.

Capital Cities

  • New unique rare and very rare drops have been added to all Capital City high-level dungeons, including Bilerot Burrow, Bloodwrought Enclave, Sigmar’s Crypts, and Warpblade Tunnels. Additionally, the drop tables for all monsters within these dungeons have been revised.
  • Mailboxes have been added inside Sigmar’s Hammer and the Viper’s Pit Guild Taverns.
  • The merchants found at the Viper’s Pit and Sigmar’s Hammer will now only be available if the Guild Tavern entrance is open (based on City Rank).
  • With the introduction of the Knight of the Blazing Sun and the Black Guard, additional NPCs from these careers will populate the cities.
  • There are now Talisman and Salvaging trainers in both the Inevitable City and Altdorf.
  • A Pale Eye Burglar that has been spotted skulking around the docks in Altdorf has been persuaded to move along.
  • A number of merchants and other citizens in both Capital Cities have had their titles modified to accurately reflect their utility.
  • Eckhardt Krause will no longer incorrectly contribute to Altdorf’s standing.
  • Revised the error message given when attempting to enter the Screaming Cat Tavern before City Rank 5 to more clearly explain why the tavern is not open.
  • Morena von Hoffe is now using tools more appropriate to her position.
  • The mysterious barrels found in the capital cities will now reward those who are adventurous enough to open them, but be careful! Some of the barrels are potentially dangerous!
  • A number of monsters in the Altdorf Sewers and Warpblade Tunnels dungeons were adjusted so they properly give contribution toward their respective city’s standing when killed.
  • Banker Lutz near the Mastiff’s End in Altdorf has found his courage and will no longer duck and hide behind the bank counter.
  • The Viper’s Pit entrance will give the proper error message when players attempt to enter before the city has reached the sufficient rank.
  • The Elyr Merchants at the Docks in Altdorf will now wear the proper clothing at all times.
  • The grate leading to the Bilerot Burrows dungeon will now give the proper message if it is locked based on City Rank, and will open properly when the city reaches the appropriate rank.
  • The Wretched One’s dialogue will no longer contain unintelligible characters.
  • The Warprot Plague Monk in the Altdorf Sewers will no longer be surrounded by flies as they could be confused with the Scavenging effect on monster death.
  • Crier Kosch will now remain stationary in Altdorf so that he is easier for players to locate.
  • Fixed a number of ambient dialogues in the Capital Cities that contained extraneous characters at the end of the dialogue.
  • Flayerkin in the Inevitable City will now animate properly.
  • Ambient robber NPCs in Altdorf will no longer drop ‘Stolen Karls’ outside of the Bank Robbery Public Quest.
  • A number of citizens in Altdorf and the Inevitable City now boast unique looks.
  • While exploring Altdorf and the Inevitable City, players might discover new citizens who have some interesting lore to share.
  • Peasants near the Bright Wizard College in Altdorf have given up trying to keep their clothes free from soot and ash. Their clothes now reflect the atmosphere and danger of living close to the Bright Wizard College.

Combat and Careers


  • Snare effects from the environment, such as those incurred by moving through water or lava, will no longer stack with snares inflicted by player and monster abilities.
  • Abilities that fire in an arc toward the target will now follow their respective arc more correctly.


  • Redeploy: When this ability is used, the Engineer’s turret will now properly appear in its new location.


  • Punishing Knock: This ability will now properly knock players down to the ground.

White Lion

  • Pounce: This ability will now deal damage correctly with each hit.


  • Two new lairs have been added to the Warhammer world! Players can search in Saphery and Talabecland to locate them.
  • Siphoner Tahalys will now behave more like a Bright Wizard.
  • Tomb Guards no longer use Bright Wizard spells.
  • Additional feedback has been added for players attempting to gain access to Fleshrender’s Lair.
  • Tainted Oogs no longer sinks under the terrain when engaged in combat.
  • Suntear will no longer be hostile toward Order-aligned characters.
  • Brugash in Dammaz Skar has regained the use of his special abilities.
  • Ahzranok in the Lost Vale dungeon now has an increased chance to drop all unique items that are also dropped by Lurquasss. The chance for unique items to drop from Lurquasss has been reduced.


  • We have implemented a temporary inventory overflow system. There are gameplay situations, such as crafting, where a player may have a full inventory and yet still receive more items. In these and similar situations, a temporary overflow window will appear, giving players the opportunity to make room for the excess items in their main inventory. Please note that this is not an expansion of the player inventory. Players will not be able to use the overflow window as a permanent storage alternative, as any items remaining in the inventory overflow will be lost when the player logs out of the game. Players will also not be able to move items into this overflow window.
  • Items that have a proc effect, such as high-level armor sets, will now display this information in their tooltips.
  • Fixed several graphical and animation issues relating to swords and staves.
  • Improved and diversified the appearance of many cloaks throughout the game.
  • The cost to repair broken items has been brought in line with the value of items throughout the game.
  • Some wristguard items were improperly named as waistgirds. These item names have been corrected.
  • The ‘Dye All’ button has been re-enabled on Dye Merchants throughout the world.
  • Gold loot bags, such as those awarded for the completion of Public Quests and Keep captures, will now contain armor set pieces exclusively. These loot bags will no longer contain other loot items, as the other colored loot bags do.
  • The Black Mire Tower encounter will now provide adventurers with better rewards for their troubles.
  • Lair Bosses throughout the world will once again drop treasure.
  • Monsters throughout the world will drop treasure items more often.
  • Monsters in high-level Chapters will now consistently drop treasures of an appropriate level.
  • New Public Quest rewards and unique rare and very rare world drops have been added to the Bastion Stair, and the drop tables of all monsters have been updated.
  • The Gale-Runner’s Chaos-Axe had incorrect stats and name for a one-handed axe. It is now named the Gale-Runner’s Dreadaxe, and has had its DPS raised slightly and its Strength reduced.
  • The Gale-Runner’s Crusher had incorrect DPS and speed for a one-handed hammer. Its DPS has been reduced and it has been made faster.
  • Due to player feedback, we have taken a look at the HP Regeneration bonus on all armor sets and items. As a result of this review, we have greatly improved the values of HP Regeneration bonuses on items and item sets throughout the game.

Quests & Public Quests

  • Several new quests have been added to the Chapter 15 hubs for all races.
  • Fun new “chicken run” quests have been added to the Tier 3 Greenskin and High Elf warcamps. These quests send players back to Tier 1 open RvR areas for an update on the progress of the war.
  • Two new bounty hunter quests have been added, one each to target enemy players of the Knights of the Blazing Sun and Black Guard careers. Interested players should visit the High Elf Chapter 8 hub or the Chaos Chapter 13 hub, depending on their realm.
  • Players who leave a Public Quest area will retain their contribution to that Public Quest for five minutes.
  • Tier 1 Dark Elf and Empire Public Quest bosses have been adjusted to account for the introduction of the Knight of the Blazing Sun and Black Guard.
  • The skeleton of Christopher Kuhn no longer pulses with the interactable glow to those who are not on the appropriate quest.
  • Trample Tantrum: The Chapter 19 Greenskin Kill Collector NPC now recognizes all Mudhide boar kills instead of just Mudhide Tuskers.
  • Cleansing an Empire: The pyre associated with this quest now pulses with the interactable glow.

  • Tunnels and Trinkets: The gore-spattered crate associated with this quest now properly despawns after interaction.
  • Thorns: The number of black powder barrels associated with this quest has been reduced.
  • Breaking Stone: The cooking fire associated with this quest is now much more noticeable.
  • Falling Stars: The quest condition has been changed to “Griffon Forces”, which encompasses all previous targets.
  • Plans Within Plans: The monster population associated with this quest has been reduced.
  • Mark of Grimnir: The monster population associated with this quest has had its rate of respawn reduced.
  • Ruinous Powers: The Raven Sorcerers associated with this Public Quest now properly appear to be channeling dark magic.
  • Heart of Strength: The waypoint to find Sigmarite Henchmen and Zealots for this quest has been increased to cover all applicable areas.

  • Unmasking the Enemy: The waypoint associated with part one of this quest has been reduced to encompass only the tower.
  • Faith is Madness: Multiple fixes and improvements have been made to this quest line.

    • Increased the density and respawn rate of the monster population associated with parts four and five of this quest.
    • Part five of this quest now has an additional waypoint to encompass another group of Manticores.
    • The waypoint associated with part seven of this quest has been extended to encompass all instances of food and drink.
    • An additional waypoint has been added to part 15 of the quest that covers all fallen Empire NPCs.
    • The Shards of Lucidity, Sagacity, Purity, and Clarity associated with part 16 of this quest are now properly placed within a character’s quest inventory once obtained.
    • Each of the Shards of Lucidity, Sagacity, Purity, and Clarity associated with part 16 of this quest now has a unique icon.

  • Bond of Fellowship: This quest’s waypoint now covers the correct location.
  • Knights Errant: This quest’s waypoint now covers the correct location.
  • Oathbearer’s Way: This quest’s waypoint now covers the correct location.
  • Broken Core: The journal entry associated with part three of this quest now explains the quest’s objective more clearly.
  • The Vessel of Azorgaron: This quest is now properly flagged as an epic quest. Additionally, the quest target, Szurinna, no longer a Champion.
  • Overwhelming Power: Orthor Firebrand will no longer despawn when a player accepts this quest.
  • Wyrmbreaker: Fixed an issue that would sometimes complete the quest condition without giving the player the scroll item.
  • Reign of Destruction: The pikes associated with this quest now only accept one skull placement every so often.
  • Painstaking: The item “Implement of Anguish” associated with this quest no longer gives an error message when used on the proper target.
  • Bait & Switch: The kill requirement for this quest has been reduced from 8 to 4.
  • Timeless Wisdom: The kill requirement for this quest has been reduced from 12 to 6.

  • Buying Time: The targets associated with part one of this quest now always remain within their appropriate waypoint.
  • Show ‘Em Who’s Boss: A waypoint over the Flightmaster NPC has been added to parts eight and nine of this quest.
  • Hungry Work: A waypoint has been added to indicate the location of the food pile.
  • Champion of the Lost Forge: This quest has been re-enabled in Dwarf Chapter 19.
  • Tome of Ages: The quest item “Tome of Ages” has been relocated to a more solo-friendly location.
  • Annihilation: The monster population density and respawn rate associated with part five of this quest has been increased.
  • Disenchanting the Stone: It is now possible to continue this quest line if the book was destroyed by killing Lore Master Tadrillian again.
  • An Innocent Man: Innkeeper Ossia’s name will now be visible at all times so that she is easier to find.
  • Spotting Trouble: This capital city quest has been reduced to level 15. Additionally, the waypoint for this quest has been adjusted so that it points to the proper sewer entrance.
  • Ogre Bodyguards: Interacting with Georg Rothstein will now properly continue this quest series.

  • Tasty Morsels: This quest has been re-enabled and adjusted to be a level 15 quest available in the Capital Cities.
  • The Devil Inside: The tooltip information for this Altdorf quest has been updated to remove some erroneous text. Additionally, the journal text for this Altdorf quest has been updated to give a more clear description of where to search for the quest goal.
  • The Ever Ancient: This Inevitable City quest has been disabled.
  • An Innocent Man: Completing this Altdorf quest will no longer cause strings of numbers to appear in the player’s chat window.
  • Mushroom Hunta: Fixed the quest icon for the mushrooms gathered during this quest in the Inevitable City.
  • The Temple of the Damned: Captured Souls are now only attackable during the proper stage of this Public Quest in the Inevitable City.
  • Sharpthorn Rock Mine: The final stage monsters for this Public Quest now arrive via gyrocopters.
  • The Tower of Neborhest: The objectives associated with this Public Quest now state more clearly which pillar needs to be attacked at the appropriate stage.

  • Reichert’s Raiders: Broadcast text has been added to the Public Quest when a tent is razed.
  • The Defiled Anvil: The Corrupting Stones associated with this Public Quest will now properly despawn once they have been destroyed.

Realm vs. Realm

  • All Fortress Lords have been adjusted to ensure that they provide the intended level of challenge. This includes updates to their abilities, damage, and defenses.
  • Lycithas the Harridan Seer now has voiceovers enabled for her portion of the Monolith encounter during the invasion of the Inevitable City.
  • A number of neutral NPCs were removed from the contested version of the Inevitable City as they did not contribute to the city defense and might have confused the invaders.
  • While inside a contested city, the proper instance number will now be displayed on the player’s interface.
  • Reinforcement Guards for Keeps from captured Battlefield Objectives will now have a title that reflects where they have come from.
  • The Order patrols near Festenplatz will now patrol further away to allow room for players to move without potentially drawing the patrol into the Battlefield Objective battle.
  • Keep Lords based on pet-using careers will now summon pets in a manner similar to their player counterparts.
  • Battlefield Objectives in every tier and pairing have been fortified with newer, more realm-specific palisades and other types of barricades.

  • A number of warcamps have been fortified to strengthen their position.
  • Siege Oil Pads on High Elf and Dark Elf keeps have been moved slightly so the splash hits better and the oil is attackable properly from below.
  • Fixed an issue where Keep and Postern Doors would not respond properly if another player had used that door immediately before.
  • In Scenarios, the confirmation pop-up window on zone out will now disappear if you move out of range of the zone point.
  • We have instituted additional fail-safes to prevent rare cases where Tier 4 zones would lock down incorrectly.
  • Placing the bomb in the Talabec Dam Scenario will now take less time.
  • Fixed an issue in the contested version of Altdorf to ensure that fires started by Destruction players can be extinguished by Order players.
  • The guards in the Phoenix Gate Scenario have been adjusted slightly to prevent them from improperly being dragged into the Scenario battle proper.
  • The patrolling guards for Wilhem’s Fist have had their path slightly adjusted to ensure they do not attempt to overrun Siege Pads or other objects in area.
  • The patrolling Order guards for Fangbreaker Keep will now path properly around the Keep.
  • A number of extraneous objects in the contested version of the Inevitable City were removed to improve framerate during a city invasion.

  • A number of Dread Sentries spawned inside of the contested version of Altdorf have been fixed so they are wearing the proper armor for their race.
  • A few misplaced Siege Pads in the middle of Talabecland have been removed.
  • The Postern Doors on the outer walls of the Fortresses in Reikwald and Butcher’s Pass were never meant to be usable. As such, they have been fixed so that the doors will give the proper ‘barred’ message to players that attempt to use them.
  • Additional guards have been called in to reinforce the Greenskin warcamp in Thunder Mountain.
  • Leaving and entering the cave area near Badmoon Hole Keep will no longer strip bolster.
  • Keeps and Battlefield Objectives will now broadcast a message to all players in the entire Tier when they change realm control. This messaging can be turned off or on from the User Settings.
  • Players successfully defending a Keep/Fortress will now receive a considerable renown reward.
  • Keep/Fortress Contribution: After lengthy evaluation and feedback from the players we have made several changes to the contribution system in place for the Public Quests associated with Keep/Fortress sieges. These changes will encourage more participation and reward players participating in Keep/Fortress sieges.

    • All enemy kills, both Player Character and Non-Player Character, will now contribute towards the Public Quest for taking a Keep/Fortress.
    • Other actions that lead to taking a Keep/Fortress will now result in contribution toward the Public Quest for taking a Keep/Fortress.

User Interface


  • New animations have been added for hotbar ability cooldowns. After an ability is used, a radial wipe animation will play that counts down the time until the ability can be used again.
  • Quest waypoints for caves have been changed so that they are consistent across all zones. Cave waypoints now appear as a red dot located at the cave’s entrance.
  • The Public Quest scoreboard has been updated to properly display more than eight loot bag rewards where applicable.
  • Mousing over an alternate currency icon will tell you its name.
  • Added the ability to sort mail in your inbox.
  • Guild heraldry settings and choosing to hide your helm or cloak will now save upon zoning or re-logging.
  • Master looters may now assign loot if they are in a warband slot other than the first one.
  • When using auto loot via the option or by holding Shift, you will now be warned when picking up a bind-on-pickup item.
  • Fixed a bug that caused the “Need on Use” option to incorrectly be grayed out.


  • Guild notes have been re-added to the Guild Roster Window.
  • Guild Leaders, Officers, and anyone with appropriate permissions can once again use the guild window context menu to promote and demote members.
  • Guild permission tooltips have been updated to accurately reflect their function and intended behavior.
  • Guild ranks other than Guild Leaders may no longer be given permission to form alliances.
  • Guild administration options for those who do not have permission to edit them will now accurately be grayed out.
  • Fixed an issue where the guild window would sometimes close when clicking on a name.
  • Guild members will no longer be able to read guild chat if they do not have the permissions to do so.
  • Fixed tooltip display for the first custom guild rank slot.
  • Kicking a player from a guild now properly deactivates the guild and alliance tabs.
  • Guild members may now be promoted to the first customize guild rank slot.
  • Fixed an issue where guild/alliance roster sub-tabs appeared on the screen if the player joined a new guild after having left a guild with the Guild Roster tab as the last Guild Window viewed.
  • Players with permission no longer have to relog to see Member and Officer Notes.
  • Guild titles now sort by rank instead of alphabetically.
  • Players who do not have permission to kick members from their guild will no longer be presented with the option to do so.
  • Fixed an issue where the Guild Roster was not updating properly when Hide Offline was checked.
  • Guilds will no longer receive a message that they have gained a rank before actually doing so.

  • Hide Offline in the guild window now saves correctly between sessions and updates when toggled.
  • The guild is now notified via the chat buffer when a guild leader has changed.

Settings and Performance

  • There is a new option in the Customize UI window for action bar settings that allows players to hide the cooldown text and show only the radial animation. Additionally, cooldown text is now always suppressed for the global cooldown timer; only the radial animation is played to show the global cooldown.
  • There is now a Gamma slider available in the user settings.
  • Players will receive a warning if they try to change their client’s performance setting to “High” without sufficient resources on their computer to run the game at this setting.
  • The memory GPU slider will now only be available if the player’s computer has more than 512MB of RAM.
  • The shadows cast by other players’ mounts will now be visible when the shadow quality is set to High.
  • We have made significant improvements to client performance when handling buff updates.

Chat Windows, Bubbles, and Messaging

  • You will now see an outgoing message when sending a warband invite.
  • Fixed an issue where NPC chatter was not relaying which NPCs were speaking.
  • NPC chat bubbles are once again visible.
  • The “Show Timestamp” chat option will now save upon exit.
  • You will no longer see, “You are no longer logging out,” when you attempt to exit the game.
  • Fixed an issue where the profanity filter was filtering out letters in the middle of certain words.
  • Parties will now receive a message when a party member has left or disconnected.
  • Fixed a specific Talisman-making error message that referred to the skill as Apothecary.
  • Attempting to invite a player to a party who is already in a party will refer you to that player’s party leader.
  • Using the /lol or /thank emotes will now return the proper text.
  • Added the functionality for chat tabs to blink when they receive new messages. This feature is turned off by default; to enable it, right-click on the chat window tab, mouse over “Tab Options,” and check “Flash on Activity.”
  • Chat bubbles can now be toggled on and off.
  • The chat tab menu has been re-organized in an effort to make it easier to use.
  • We have made several improvements to chat filtering. To view the new filters, right click on the desired chat tab and select filters.
  • Players will now receive an error message when attempting to look for a warband while already in one.
  • Tells are no longer saved as a “sticky” channel.
  • Alliance and Alliance Officer Channels are now saved as “sticky” channels.
  • The command /warband (/warbandallianceonly) has been changed to provide accurate feedback messages.
  • Dead players will now be able to see death announcements.
  • Sending a tell to an AFK player will return a message stating that the recipient is AFK.
  • You will no longer see an error message when a player from an enemy realm attempts to send you a tell.
  • /Shout once again has a longer range than /say.
  • Fixed an issue where the colored text of City Rating messages was overflowing into subsequent lines of text.
  • Damage messages printed in the chat window now show the amount of Critical Damage mitigated.
  • Attempting to purchase a guild reward scroll without meeting the requirements now results in an error message.
  • Locking your chat window will now persist after you log out.

Dungeon Itemization Improvements

City Dungeons - Bilerot Burrow, Bloodwought Enclave, Sigmar’s Crypts, Warpblade Tunnels


  • As a result of this review and reitemization process, groups who complete the improved dungeons will now end up with more loot than ever before!
  • New, unique Rare and Very Rare items have been introduced into all of the city dungeons!
  • Dungeon drop rates have been adjusted to better spread loot throughout the entire dungeon, moving some of the focus off the main bosses and allowing players who don’t complete the dungeon to have a chance at better drops
  • General monsters will drop significantly more loot then they did previously

Mini Bosses

  • Mini bosses will now always drop at least one item, with a small chance to drop the new Rare or Very Rare dungeon items
  • Mini bosses will now have a chance to drop Sentinel Set items, the chance of getting an item will increase the higher your City Rank is


  • The total number of Sentinel set items dropped by bosses has been reduced, due to the new drop rates on
  • All bosses will now drop between three and five items depending on your city ranking All bosses will now drop one of the new unique Rare or Very Rare items 100% of the time
  • All bosses will now drop a rare dye 100% of the time
  • All bosses will drop between 1 and 2 Sentinel set items depending on your city ranking
  • All bosses have a 50% chance to drop the sentinel set belt at all times

Dec 3, 2008

Warhammer Patch 1.1 Preview

Warhammer Patch 1.1 is going on the PTS today and the servers should be up and ready by tomorrow. This patch was in development before 1.0.6 went LIVE so don’t expect to see a lot of changes to 1.0.6 in there yet. The patch notes are over 14 pages long and it’s much more extensive than patch 1.0.6 was.

We don’t have the full patch notes yet, but nevertheless these highlights are certainly interesting enough to read. My favorite new features are certainly chat hyperlinking and player statue system which sounds awesome.

  • Open RvR Influence System – As part of our ongoing effort to encourage people to take part in oRvR, we are pleased to announce the release of an influence system geared solely to oRvR. Players who participate in this part of WAR will now have additional incentives for fighting for their realm. As part of this patch we have also made quite a number of changes and fixes to oRvR settings and NPCs as well. And as always, we have a lot more going in for oRvR over the next couple of months as well.
  • New Careers For Everyone - With this version the Empire’s Knight of the Blazing Sun, and the Dark Elf’s Blackguard are available for all players!
  • Easy Public Quests – PQs are great but sometimes it’s hard to get enough people together to complete them, especially in the lower tiers. So, we are redesigning one PQ per chapter so that it can be completed by 1-3 people.
  • Chat Hyperlinking – One of the most requested features by the community has been adding the ability to hyperlink items, abilities and quests in the chat window and now it has been added.
  • Armor Set Rebalance – After scrubbing through our armor sets we’ve made a lot of changes to ensure to various armor sets in the game to make them more useful and prized by the players.
  • Main Assist – RvR is exciting, chaotic and always challenging but this feature will make it just a little bit easier to help your group fight the good fight.
  • Player Statue System – Nothing says “you’ve made it” more than having a statue with your name on it in the capitol city of your realm.
  • New Content – Whether it is new lairs, new quests, new drops in dungeons, new PQ rewards and changes to items (such as cloaks), this patch is full of lots of fun new content additions to the game.
  • User Interface – Lots and lots of fixes, changes and new additions to our user interface and API functionality, new additions to the chat system and graphic options incorporating community requested features a channel flashing on activity, the ability to turn the chat bubbles on/off, a gamma slider and so much more.

Dec 2, 2008

Warhammer Patch 1.0.6 Arrives

All Warhammer Online servers will be coming down throughout the day today to patch the game to warhammer v1.06. Among a lot of other things, both the Black Guard and the Knight of the Blazing Sun debut.

The update you've all been waiting for, warhammer 1.0.6, is almost here! We wanted to thank everyone who tested and provided feedback on this update's content.

On Tuesday, 12/2/08 all servers will be brought offline to begin the update. North American servers will be brought down at 6:30AM EST with Oceanic servers to follow at 9:00AM EST.

This is our biggest update yet! It's chock-full of exciting career changes and heralds the debut of the highly anticipated Black Guard and Knight of the Blazing Sun careers. If you've finished the Heavy Metal event and have opened your Heavy Metal Chest, then you will be able to play a Black Guard and Knight of the Blazing Sun when this patch goes live (before anyone else!). For those of you who did not complete the Heavy Metal event, don't fret! You, too, will be able to play these two new careers starting next week.

This update is so massive that we needed to split the notes into two sections. So, without further ado, on with the notes! WAAAGH!!!

Update - 6:40AM EST: The Shaman notes under Combat and Careers have been updated.


  • New Careers Released! - With this version we are happy to announce the release of the Empire¡¯s Knight of the Blazing Sun, and the Dark Elf¡¯s Black Guard! These new careers are available early for players who have successfully completed the Heavy Metal Event!

  • Mastery Point Refunds ? Due to a number of significant changes to many of our careers, we are providing a full Mastery Point refund to certain careers. Players who belong to one of the careers below will need to speak with a Trainer to retrain their Career Mastery:

    • Bright Wizard
    • Chosen
    • Engineer
    • Ironbreaker
    • Magus
    • Shadow Warrior
    • Sorcerer
    • Squig Herder
    • Swordmaster
  • Morale Responsiveness - Morale abilities will now be much more responsive. These abilities will now fire immediately when activated by the player on the first attempt, and will display their cooldowns correctly at all times.
  • Root Responsiveness - We have made a number of adjustments to root spells to ensure that they break properly and feel more responsive to players. Changes include a chance to break on ANY damage including DoT damage, as well as a 5 second immunity to being rooted again after the current root effect breaks.
  • Auto-Attack Animations - Improvements have been made to auto-attack animations. Players will now see smoother, more consistent weapon swaps when players change from ranged to melee auto-attacks, and vice versa.
  • Ability Activation Responsiveness - The responsiveness of ability activations has been improved. Players will now see less of a delay between the activation of an ability and the corresponding animation.
  • Guild Promotion/Demotion - Fixes have been made to issues which were causing guild promotion and demotion to not work properly.

Combat and Careers


  • We've fixed an issue that was causing the buff icon on various marketing rewards to display incorrectly.
  • We fixed an issue that was causing weapons and armor to not display their proc effects in the item display.
  • Opponents may no longer right-click item effects to remove them from themselves, and the Boost, Blades, Barrier, and Barricade effects will now proc far more reliably.
  • Tactics gained from Tome Unlocks have been renamed.
  • Damage over Time abilities: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of these abilities has been made consistent across the board. This generally resulted in an increase in damage, but some abilities have also been brought down. Individual abilities are noted in the specific careers¡¯ sections below.
  • All Unstoppable tooltips will now mention Knockdown.
  • Root effects, with the exception of Morale Roots, will now grant a 5 second Freedom effect to the victim when they break, and will no longer stack with other roots.
  • Root effects will now properly have a chance to break on ANY damage event. This includes individual tics of Damage over Time spells.
  • Fixed assorted issues where certain movement reductions/increases would stack, slowing or speeding targets more than intended. This also addresses cases where snared players would find themselves essentially rooted when in lava.
  • All Tactics now give their bonus when the character that has them slotted is stealthed, mounted, or has a Standard out.

Racial Tactics

  • Centuries of Training (Elves): The tooltip for this Tactic has been changed to be more clear.
  • Sigmar¡¯s Favor (Empire): This Tactic will now be triggered only by direct heals.
  • Stoutness of Stone (Dwarfs): This Tactic will once again reduce the effectiveness of Stuns and Knockdowns.
  • Tzeentch¡¯s Warding (Chaos): This Tactic will now get the bonus when the character is mounted.

Archetype Abilities

  • Alter Fate: This ability¡¯s tooltip now displays the correct values.
  • Champion's Challenge: Neither the player nor the player¡¯s enemy may be knocked back while this Morale is in effect.
  • Divine Protection: This ability now lists the amount of damage absorbed in the tooltip.
  • Force of Will: This ability will now display a visual effect when used.
  • Frenzied Slaughter: This ability will now display a visual effect when used.
  • Juggernaut: This ability will only fire when the player is rooted, snared, silenced, or disarmed.
  • Misdirection: This ability will now display an effect on the caster while the ability is active, and place a brief effect on anyone damaged by the effect.
  • Point Blank: This ability will now correctly ignore Knockback and Knockdown immunity, as well as not trigger it.
  • Rampaging Siphon: This Morale ability will no longer be affected by points spent in Career Mastery. Additionally, this ability now heals the group for each target hit, instead of only once.
  • Raze: This channeled ability will no longer be interrupted while on the move.
  • Relentless Assault: This ability will now display n visual effect when used. Additionally, the ability will no longer remove snares and roots.
  • Restorative Burst: This tactic¡¯s tooltip now correctly states the number of Action Points gained from triggering it.


  • Balance Essence: The damage for this ability has been increased.
  • Balanced Mending: The HoT portion of Healing Energy will now benefit from this tactic. Additionally, this ability will now correctly provide a bonus to heals on other players, and a penalty to heals on the caster.
  • Boon of Hysh: This ability has had its cast time reduced to 2.5 seconds, and the setback amount reduced to half a second.
  • Dissipating Energies: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased slightly to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Drain Magic: This ability will now increase in potency with High Magic. In addition, damage will now correctly increase based on Career Mastery Points spent in the Path of Asuryan instead of the Path of Vaul.
  • Funnel Essence: This ability will now correctly behave like a channeled ability, will channel correctly, and will correctly heal the target.
  • Healing Energy: The stat contribution for this ability has been fixed. This was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended.
  • Hurried Restore: This tactic will now stun the player when the resurrect is cast, instead of when it is accepted.
  • Increased Conductivity: This Tactic will now increase the damage for all abilities listed in the tooltip.
  • Law of Conductivity: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Mistress of the Marsh: This ability has had its cast time reduced.
  • Prismatic Shield: This ability will no longer fail if the caster¡¯s defensive target is not a group member.
  • Radiant Gaze: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities. Also, this ability will now correctly reduce the target¡¯s chance to critical hit and damage by the correct amount.
  • Radiant Lance: This ability will now reliably consume High Magic.
  • Rain Lord: The tooltip for this effect now lists all stats affected.
  • Scatter the Winds: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased slightly to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.

  • Storm of Cronos: This ability will now correctly reduce Spirit resistance for the correct amount.
  • Transfer Force: This ability¡¯s damage has increased. Additionally, the amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Wild Healing: This tactic will now correctly provide a 50% reduction to AP costs on direct healing abilities when triggered.

Black Orc

  • All Black Orcs have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their Career Mastery Points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
  • All War Bellows will now persist through the Black Orc's death. This means that the player will not have to recast a War Bellow after respawning or being resurrected.
  • Da Big Un: The damage has increased, and the Radius has been reduced.
  • Follow me Lead: The Toughness buff provided to the defensive target by this ability now works correctly.
  • Guard: This ability will no longer attempt to work on players outside of the Black Orc¡¯s group.
  • Juggernaut: This ability is now available at Rank 12.
  • Right in da Jibblies: The reuse for this ability has been lowered.
  • Rock 'Ard: This ability now starts a Plan chain.
  • Save da Runts: The hotbar icon for this ability will now light up properly.
  • Skull Thumper: This ability now adds an effect that deals additional damage to the target whenever they are critically hit.
  • Trip 'Em Up: The damage for this ability is now reduced, but no longer occurs over time. The Action Point cost has increased, the reuse removed, and the Snare from this ability will no longer stack with other Snares.

Bright Wizard

  • All Bright Wizards have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their Career Mastery Points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
  • Boiling Blood: The damage of this ability will now be dealt over 10 seconds. The total amount of damage dealt remains unchanged.
  • Choking Smoke: This ability now has no build time.
  • Combustion Mechanic: The Combustion Mechanic has had its critical chance bonuses reduced. Additionally, the chance to trigger an Explosion has been reduced. Combustion will no longer start to fade away if the caster continues casting spells after hitting 100.
  • Crown of Fire: This ability will no longer grant immunity from Stun effects.
  • Explosive Force: The damage done to the targets around the caster is now defendable.
  • Fiery Blast: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct damage and radius, and the ability now builds the correct amount of Combustion.
  • Fire Cage: The cost for this ability has been decreased, the cooldown has been increased, and the ability can now be trained at rank 12.
  • Fireball: The amount that stats contribute the effectiveness of this ability has been increased.
  • Flame Breath: Targets affected by this ability will now receive a debuff icon.
  • Meltdown: This ability can no longer be blocked.
  • Playing with Fire: The damage from this ability now only fires on direct heals and cannot do critical damage.
  • Pyroclastic Surge: This ability can now be trained at rank 10.
  • Scorched Earth: This ability now builds 10 Combustion. Additionally, this ability now has the correct cooldown.


  • All Chosen have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their Career Mastery Points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
  • All Chaotic Auras: The AP cost of these abilities has been reduced. Additionally, all beneficial effects from auras will now work on allies up to 150 feet away.
  • Bane Shield: This ability will now behave like a melee attack. Damage will be increased by Strength, and defended against like a melee attack. Additionally, the damage is now considered Spiritual Damage.
  • Blast Wave: This ability will now behave like a melee attack. Damage will be increased by Strength, and defended against like a melee attack.
  • Corrupting Wrath: This ability¡¯s effectiveness has been increased.
  • Discordant Instability: This ability¡¯s effectiveness has been increased.
  • Dreadful Agony: If multiple Chosen are using this ability in the same area, enemies will only be affected by the most powerful one in use.
  • Dreadful Fear: This ability¡¯s effectiveness has been increased.
  • Guard: This ability will no longer attempt to work on players outside of the Chosen¡¯s group. Additionally, the hotbar icon for this ability now lights up properly.
  • Juggernaut: This ability is now available at rank 12.
  • Mixed Defenses: The tooltip for this ability now displays proper values.
  • Quake: This ability will now behave like a melee attack. Damage will be increased by Strength, and defended against like a melee attack.
  • Seeping Wound: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities. Additionally, this ability will no longer apply the effect from the Tactic Tainted Wounds, without the tactic being slotted.
  • Suppression: The parry buff from Suppression will no longer stack with itself.


  • All Covenants will now persist through the Disciple's death. This means that the Disciple will not have to recast a Covenant after respawning or being resurrected.
  • All offhand Disciple chalice items have been improved! See Items notes for more detailed information.
  • Bloodthirst: The Snare component has been removed, and the damage has been increased.
  • Consume Essence: The damage for this ability has increased.
  • Consume Strength: The strength debuff portion of this ability will now be triggered only if the attack is successful.
  • Covenant of Celerity: This ability will no longer stack with other Snares. The effect can now be removed with Snare-cleansing abilities.
  • Covenant of Tenacity: Fixed an issue that made the radius of this ability much too small.
  • Covenant of Vitality: Fixed an issue that caused the healing portion of the lifetap to always heal the Disciple, instead of the player who procc'ed the damage. Additionally, the damage for this ability has increased.
  • Curse of Khaine: The effect of this Tactic has been reduced to 50%.
  • Devour Essence: This ability will now behave like a Melee ability. It will gain bonus damage from Strength, and be defended like a Melee attack.
  • Esence Lash: This ability will now behave like a Melee ability. It will gain bonus damage from Strength, and be defended like a Melee attack.
  • Fell Sacrifice: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Fist of Khaine: This ability will now behave like a Melee ability. It will gain bonus damage from Strength, and be defended like a Melee attack.
  • Flay: This ability is now considered a Snare and can be removed by Snare-cleansing abilities.
  • Khaine's Imbuement: Resolved an issue that allowed this tactic to proc on every swing.
  • Lacerate: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Rend Soul: This ability now heals for 350% of the damage done, and the setback amount has been reduced to half a second.
  • Restore Essence: The stat contribution for this ability has been fixed. It was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended.
  • Transfer Essence: The damage for this ability has increased.
  • Wracking Agony: This ability will now correctly deal damage based on your opponent¡¯s health percent.


  • All Engineers have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their Career Mastery Points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
  • Acid Bomb: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Barbed Wire: The cost of this ability has decreased, the cooldown has increased, and the ability can now be trained at rank 12. Additionally, this ability now correctly roots all players.
  • Blunderbuss Blast: This ability now has the correct cooldown.
  • Bombardment Turret: The cost of this ability is now greatly reduced, its auto attack damage greatly increased, and it is now a core ability so it will always summon based on the Engineer¡¯s level.
  • Electromagnet: This ability now gives Knockback immunity.
  • Field Repair: This ability¡¯s cost, range, and cooldown have increased. Additionally, this ability now instantly restores health instead of being a channeled ability.
  • Firebomb: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Flak Jacket: Magic Damage will no longer reduce Armor counters.
  • Flame Turret: The cost has been greatly reduced, the auto attack damage greatly increased, and it is now a core ability so it will always summon based on the Engineer¡¯s level.
  • Focus Fire: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Fragmentation Grenade: The damage and cost of this ability have increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities. Additionally, this ability now does the correct amount of damage.
  • Friction Burn: The damage and cost of this ability have increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities. Additionally, this ability now works correctly when there are no targets in the area.
  • Gun Blast: The damage for this ability has increased.
  • Gun Turret: The cost of this ability has been greatly reduced, its auto attack damage has been greatly increased, and it is now a core ability so it will always summon based on the Engineer¡¯s level.
  • Hip Shot: This ability can now be trained at rank 10.
  • Incendiary Rounds: The damage and cost of this ability have increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Lightning Rod: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Napalm Grenade: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Pet Ability - Flamethrower: This is now considered a Path of the Tinkerer ability.
  • Pet Ability - High-Explosive Grenade: The damage and build time have increased, the reuse time reduced, and it is now considered a Path of the Grenadier ability.
  • Pet Ability - Machine Gun: This ability is now considered a Path of the Rifleman ability.
  • Pet Ability - Penetrating Round: The damage has increased, and it is now considered a Path of the Rifleman ability.
  • Pet Ability - Shock Grenade: The damage and reuse time have increased, the build time reduced, and it is now considered a Path of the Grenadier ability.
  • Pet Ability - Steam Vent: This is now considered a Path of the Tinkerer ability. Additionally, newly created Engineers will no longer show this ability as being trainable at both level 15 and level 21.
  • Phosphorous Shells: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Self-Destruct: The cost of this ability has been removed, its reuse time greatly increased, and it now deals damage in addition to knocking down all enemies within 30 feet for 5 seconds. Additionally, this ability now correctly knocks down all targets, and kills the Engineer¡¯s turret.
  • Signal Flare: The damage and cost of this ability have increased, and its reuse time reduced. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Sticky Bomb: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Strafing Run: This ability now has less of a delay before damaging and knocking back the target.
  • Tangling Wire: This ability now correctly fires with Barbed Wire.

Iron Breaker

  • All Ironbreakers have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their Career Mastery Points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
  • Ironbreakers can now wield hammers and great hammers in addition to axes and great axes!
  • Avenging the Debt: The Damage of this ability has increased. Additionally, the heal value of this ability has increased.
  • Away With Ye: The Grudge cost of this ability has been reduced to 25, and the cooldown has been decreased to 10 seconds.
  • Axe Slam: This Morale ability will now correctly gain benefit from Mastery into the Path of Stone.
  • Binding Grudge: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Grudge Mechanic: The rate in which Grudge is lost has been changed. Grudge will begin to decay at a rate of 5 Grudge per second if no Grudge is generated for 15 seconds.
  • Grumble An¡¯ Mutter: The heal value of this ability has increased. Additionally, this ability¡¯s Grudge cost has been reduced.
  • Guard: This ability will no longer attempt to work on players outside of the Ironbreaker¡¯s group. Additionally, the hotbar icon for this ability will now light up properly.
  • Guarded Attack: The buff to an Oath Friend¡¯s Armor will no longer stack with other, more powerful Armor buffs.
  • Inspiring Attack: The Strength and Willpower bonus from Inspiring Attack will no longer stack with the bonuses from multiple Ironbreakers. Players will only receive the most powerful bonus available.
  • Juggernaut: This ability is now available at rank 12.
  • Oath Friend: The rate at which Grudge is generated from your Oath Friend has been adjusted. Between 0 ? 30 Grudge, you will gain 10 Grudge every time your Oath Friend is attacked. Between 30 ? 60 Grudge, you will gain 5 Grudge every time your Oath Friend is attacked. Between 60 ? 100 Grudge, you will gain 3 Grudge every time your Oath Friend is attacked. Additionally, the cooldown for the ability has been changed to 1.5 seconds.
  • Oathbound: The Grudge cost of this ability has been reduced to 15.
  • Oathstone: This ability¡¯s cooldown has been greatly reduced.
  • Punishing Knock: Targets will now actually fall down after being hit.
  • Shield of Reprisal: This ability will no longer knock down Unstoppable targets.
  • Shield Sweep: The Grudge cost of this ability has been reduced to 25.
  • Stone Breaker: This ability will no longer be considered a Blessing.
  • Strength In Numbers: This Morale ability will now correctly gain benefit from Mastery into the Path of Vengeance.
  • Watch An¡¯ Learn: The Grudge cost of this ability has been reduced to 15, the damage has been increased, and the cooldown has been increased to 10 seconds.


  • All Magus have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their Career Mastery Points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
  • Agonizing Torrent: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Baleful Transmogrification: The damage and cost of this ability have increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Chaotic Rift: This ability will now give Knockback immunity.
  • Daemonic Armor: Magic Damage will no longer reduce Armor counters.
  • Daemonic Lash: This ability will hit targets in front of the caster more reliably than before. In addition, the tooltip will no longer displays an incorrect cooldown time.
  • Dissolving Mist: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities. Additionally, this ability now uses the correct icon.
  • Flamer of Tzeentch: The cost of this ability has been greatly reduced, its auto attack damage greatly increased, and it is now a core ability so it will always summon based on the Magus¡¯ level.
  • Glean Magic: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Infernal Blast: The damage and cost of this ability have increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Instability: The cost of this ability has been removed, its reuse greatly increased, and it now knocks down instead of draining AP.
  • Mutating Blue Fire: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Pandemonium: The damage and cost of this ability have increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Pet Ability - Coruscating Energy: The damage for this ability has been reduced, and it is now considered a Path of Daemonology ability.
  • Pet Ability - Daemonic Consumption: The build time for this ability is increased, and it is now considered a Path of Havoc ability. Additionally, the amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Pet Ability - Daemonic Fire: The build time and damage for this ability have been increased, and it is now considered a Path of Havoc ability.
  • Pet Ability - Flame of Tzeentch: The reuse time and channel duration for this ability have been reduced, its damage increased, and it is now considered a Path of Changing ability.
  • Pet Ability - Flames of Change: The reuse time for this ability has been reduced, and it is now considered a Path of Changing ability. Additionally, the amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Pet Ability - Warping Energy: This is now considered a Path of Daemonology ability.
  • Rend Winds: The damage and cost of this ability have increased.
  • Seed of Chaos: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities. Additionally, the AoE damage will once again fire at the end of the Damage over Time effect.
  • Strengthen Thrall: The cost, range, and cooldown of this ability have increased, and the ability now instantly restores health instead of being a channeled ability.
  • Summon Blue Horror: Opponents must now be close to a Blue Horror in order to melee it. Additionally, the cost for this ability has been greatly reduced, its auto attack damage greatly increased, and it is now a core ability so it will always summon based on the Magus¡¯ level.
  • Summon Pink Horror: The cost for this ability has been greatly reduced, its auto attack damage greatly increased, and it is now a core ability so will always summon based on the Magus¡¯ level.
  • Surging Violet Fire: This ability can now be trained at rank 10.
  • Tzeentch¡¯s Firestorm: This ability now correctly deals Elemental damage.
  • Tzeentch's Grasp: The cost has been decreased, the cooldown has been increased, and the ability can now be trained at rank 12.
  • Warpfire: This ability is working properly again.
  • Warping Blast: This ability now uses the correct icon.
  • Withered Soul: This ability¡¯s tooltip has been corrected and no longer gives the false impression that debuff percentage scales. Additionally, The the damage and cost of this ability have increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.


  • Deadly Clutch: The Value of this debuff has been reduced to 50%. In addition, 25% of the value the target is healed for (after debuff) also hits the Marauder.
  • Mouth of Tzeentch: This ability will now behave like a melee attack. Its damage will be increased by Strength, and it can be defended against like a melee attack. In addition it can no longer cause a disoriented effect without equipping the Insane Whispers Tactic.
  • Rend: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Tainted Claw: This ability will now be increased in duration by Ailments, not Cripples.
  • Wave of Mutilation: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.

Rune Priest

  • Blessing of Valaya: This ability will no longer fail to cast if the Rune Priest doesn¡¯t have line of sight to their defensive target.
  • Master Runes: Fixed an issue where all Master Runes had an adverse effect on frame rate.
  • Oath Rune of Power: This ability now also increases the target¡¯s Ballistic Skill.
  • Oath Rune of Sanctuary: This ability will now be affected by the anti-resurrection aura.
  • Rune of Battle: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Rune of Cleaving: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Rune of Fate: The damage of this ability has increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Rune of Fortune: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Rune of Immolation: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Rune of Iron: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Rune of Mending: The stat contribution for this ability has been fixed. This ability was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended.
  • Rune of Nullification: The effect of this ability has been reduced to 50%.
  • Rune of Restoration: This ability has had its cast time reduced to 2.5 seconds, and its setback amount reduced to half a second.
  • Rune of Warding: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Spellbinding Rune: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.

Shadow Warrior

  • All Shadow Warriors have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their Career Mastery Points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
  • All stance abilities will now persist through death.
  • Acid Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased. In addition, the buff icon for this ability will now display actual armor debuffed, instead of percent.
  • Assault Stance: While in Assault Stance, all +Ballistic Skill on items is considered to be Strength as well. Additionally, the Assault Stance tooltip also now states that the stance grants Strength equal to your Ballistic Skill from items.
  • Broadhead Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Draw Blood: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly decreased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Eye Shot: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Fell the Weak: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Festering Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased. In addition, the hotkey for this ability will no longer light up when in Assault Stance.
  • Flame Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Flanking Shot: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Glass Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Hunter¡¯s Fervor: The radius for this ability has been increased to match similar group-based effects.
  • Rapid Fire: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Shadow Sting: The damage of this ability has increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Skirmish Stance: The buff granted to the Shadow Warrior when in Skirmish Stance will now allow ranged auto-attack to fire while moving.
  • Spiral-Fletched Arrow: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Takedown: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Throat Shot: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Vengeance of the Nagarythe: The cooldown for this ability has been reduced to 2 minutes. This ability can now be trained at rank 10.
  • Whirling Pin: The cost of this ability has been decreased, the cooldown has been increased, and the ability can now be trained at rank 12.


  • Bleed Fer' Me: The damage of this ability has increased. Also, we have fixed an issue which caused this ability to heal for incorrect amounts when used with Waaagh!
  • Brain Bursta: This ability will now reliably consume Waaagh!
  • Dat Makes Me Dizzy: This Tactic will now stun the Shaman when the resurrect is cast, instead of when it is accepted. Additionally, when this Tactic is equipped, Shrug it Off will now work properly.
  • 'Ere We Go!: The tooltip for this ability now lists the duration of the effect.
  • 'Ere We Goes Again: The duration of the 'Ere We Go ability will no longer be reduced with this Tactic equipped.
  • Gork¡¯ll Fix It: The buff icon for this ability now states that the ability is healing you, instead of damaging you. In addition, the ability will correctly stack with other casters on the same target. The stat contribution for this ability has also been fixed. This was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended.
  • Greener ¡®n Cleaner: This ability will now properly remove effects from allies.
  • Life Leaka: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Nuthin' But Da WAAAGH!: This ability now works correctly on players other than the caster.
  • Sticky Feetz: This ability has had its cast time reduced to one second.


  • All Sorcerers have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their Career Mastery Points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
  • Arctic Blast: This ability can now be trained at rank 10.
  • Chilling Gusts: This Tactic will now apply to the Ice Spikes ability.
  • Dark Magic Mechanic: The Dark Magic Mechanic¡¯s critical chance bonuses have been reduced. Additionally, the chance to trigger a Backlash has been reduced.
  • Dhar Wind: This ability can no longer be blocked.
  • Disastrous Cascade: This ability¡¯s tooltip now shows the correct damage.
  • Doombolt: The amount that stats contribute the effectiveness of this ability has been increased.
  • Grip of Fear: The cost of this ability has been decreased, the cooldown has been increased, and the ability can now be trained at rank 12.
  • Piercing Shadows: The damage done to the targets around the caster is now defendable.
  • Pit of Shades: The tooltip text for this ability is now correct.
  • Shadow Knives: The tooltip text for this ability is now correct.
  • Stricken Voices: This ability now has no build time.
  • Surging Pain: This ability now builds 10 Dark Magic.
  • Tapping the Dark: The tooltip for this ability now points correctly to the name of the ability that it affects.
  • Triumphant Blasting: Players knocked back by Triumphant Blasting will now correctly be given Knockback immunity. Additionally, the tooltip for this ability now correctly states that the ability will knock down mobs.
  • Umbral Fury: This ability has been renamed to Frozen Fury. The tooltip now points correctly to the name of the ability that it affects.
  • Word of Pain: This ability will reduce the target¡¯s Willpower for 10 seconds, and deal damage at the end. The effect will no longer stack with each application. In addition, this ability now correctly has a 10 second reuse timer.

Squig Herder

  • All Squig Herders have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their Career Mastery Points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
  • All pets will now summon at the Squig Herder¡¯s level.
  • Ard Noggin: This ability will now display as a Path of Stabbin' ability and the cooldown has been removed. Additionally, the damage of this ability has increased.
  • Behind Ya!: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Big Claw: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities. Additionally, this ability will now display as a Path of Stabbin¡¯ ability.
  • Bounce: This ability will now display as a Path of Stabbin¡¯ ability.
  • Choking Arrer: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Cut Ya!: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Da Smell Don¡¯t Bother Me: While in Squig Armor, this Tactic will heal the Squig Herder for a small amount every 5 seconds.
  • Death from Above: This ability¡¯s knockdown animation will now display correctly.
  • Don¡¯t Eat Me: This ability can now be used while in Squig Armor.
  • Explodin¡¯ Arrer: The damage of this ability has increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly decreased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Farty Squig: This ability can now be used while in Squig Armor.
  • Finish ¡®Em Off: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Git Em!: This ability will now upgrade properly. Additionally, the tooltip text for this ability is now correct.
  • Gore: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • KABOOM!: This ability will now display as a Path of Stabbin¡¯ ability.
  • Lots o¡¯ Arrers: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Not So Fast!: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Pet Ability - Goop Shootin¡¯: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Pet Ability - Poisoned Spine: This ability now fires properly and its damage has been increased. Also, the amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities. In addition, the tooltip will now show the correct debuff value.
  • Plink: The Action Point cost and damage for this ability has increased.
  • Rotten Arrer: The damage of this ability has increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly decreased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Run ¡®n Shoot: The Action Point cost for this ability has been reduced. Additionally, the damage of this ability has increased.
  • Sharp Toofs: The Tactic will now reduce the Git Em! pet ability's cost. The tooltip has been corrected.
  • Shrapnel Arrer: The damage of this ability has increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Sneaky Stabbin: The tooltip for this ability is now correct.
  • Spiked Squig: The buff granted to the Squig Herder when a Spiked Squig is summoned will now allow ranged auto-attack to fire while moving.
  • Splinterin¡¯ Arrers: This ability¡¯s tooltip will now show the correct range.
  • Squig Armor: While in Squig Armor, the Squig Herder¡¯s Ballistic Skill from items is converted into Strength.
  • Squig Frenzy: This ability can now be used while in Squig Armor. Additionally, this ability can now be trained at rank 10.
  • Squig Squeal: The Damage over Time will now fire on the target correctly.
  • Stabbity: The Action Point cost and damage for this ability has increased
  • Sticky Squigz: The cost of this ability has decreased, the cooldown has increased, and the ability can now be trained at rank 12.
  • Stop Runnin!: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Tastes Like Chicken: This ability can now be used while in Squig Armor.
  • What Blocka?: This ability now reduces the target¡¯s Armor and block chance. The ability is now defendable.
  • Yer Bleedin': The damage of this ability has increased. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.


  • All Swordmasters have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their Career Mastery Points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
  • All Blade Enchants will now persist through the Swordmaster's death. This means that the Swordmaster will not have to recast a Blade Enchant after respawning or being resurrected.
  • Blurring Shock: This ability now applies an effect on the target. For the next 10 seconds, whenever they are critically hit they take additional damage.
  • Crashing Wave: This ability will now knock targets down every time.
  • Crushing Advance: This ability now properly grants a 5% increase to Block chance for 20 seconds. Additionally, the damage of this ability has increased, and its reuse time has been increased to 10 seconds.
  • Graceful Strike: Fixed an issue in which this ability was receiving double the stat contribution on the direct damage portion of the ability. Additionally, the amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Guard will no longer attempt to work on players outside of your group, and the hotbar icon for this ability will now light up properly.
  • Gusting Wind: The cost of this ability has been decreased, it has been changed to a Perfect Balance attack, and it now deals Spirit Damage. In addition, the tooltip now displays the abilities knockback effect.
  • Heaven's Blade: This ability now reduces resists by the correct amount and will display as a debuff.
  • Juggernaut: This ability is now available at rank 12.
  • Nature's Blade: The proc from this ability now has new art for its area effect.
  • Perfect Defenses: Players will now properly receive the bonuses to defense while in Improved and Perfect Balance.
  • Phantom¡¯s Blade: Fixed a typo in this ability¡¯s tooltip.
  • Phoenix Wing: This ability no longer adds additional Hate, and its damage and radius have increased.
  • Potent Enchantments: This Tactic now deals damage as soon as it procs. In addition, this Tactic no longer increases Blade Enchant damage.
  • Protection of Hoeth: This ability has changed to an Open Balance attack, and its reuse time and absorb effect have been decreased.
  • Quick Incision: The cost of this ability has been increased, its cooldown timer has been removed, and the damage has been changed to apply instantly instead of over time.
  • Sapping Strike: The Action Point drain on this ability will now work correctly.
  • Shadow Blades: The damage dealt with this ability can no longer be defended against.
  • Wrath of Hoeth: The cost of this ability has been increased, it has been changed to an Improved Balance attack, and its radius has been decreased to 20 feet.

Warrior Priest

  • All Auras will now persist through the Warrior Priest's death. This means that the Warrior Priest will not have to recast an Aura after respawning or being resurrected.
  • All offhand Warrior Priest book items have been improved! See Items notes for more detailed information.
  • Castigation: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Divine Aid: The stat contribution for this ability has been fixed. It was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended.
  • Divine Assault: This ability now heals 350% of the damage done, and the setback amount is now reduced to half a second.
  • Divine Light: The buff window icon for this ability will now display a tooltip.
  • Divine Shock: This ability will now fire when there are no targets in the area.
  • Divine Strike: The damage of this ability has increased.
  • Greave of Sigmar: The duration of the Toughness buff from this Tactic will now match the duration of Sigmar's Fist.
  • Judgment: This ability will now behave like a Melee ability. It will gain bonus damage from Strength, and be defended like a Melee attack.
  • Martyr¡¯s Blessing: This ability will no longer display a buff icon on those being healed.
  • Prayer of Absolution: Fixed an issue that made the actual range of this ability much shorter than the range listed in the tooltip.

  • Prayer of Devotion: The health gained from triggering this ability has been increased.

  • Prayer of Righteousness: The buff window tooltip for this ability will now display correctly.

  • Sigmar¡¯s Radiance: The damage of this ability has increased.

  • Sigmar¡¯s Shield: The buff window icon for this ability will now display a tooltip.

  • Smite: This ability will now properly generate Righteous Fury based on the number of targets hit and will no longer be able to be set back.

  • Soulfire: This ability will now behave like a Melee ability. It will gain bonus damage from Strength, and be defended like a Melee attack. In addition the tooltip will now state that the effect is a Curse rather than a Cripple.

White Lion

  • All Training buffs now persist through the White Lion's death. This means that the player will not have to recast a Training after respawning or being resurrected.

  • The White Lion pet¡¯s auto attack damage has been given a substantial increase.

  • Blindside: Fixed an issue in which this ability was receiving double stat contribution on the direct damage portion of the ability.

  • Blindside: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly decreased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.

  • Cleave Limb: This ability now snares the target for 10 seconds, and no longer reduces auto attack speed.

  • Cull the Weak: This ability will now have the correct range.

  • Echoing Roar: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.

  • Pack Assault: Fixed an issue that prevented the initial damage of this ability from showing to the user. Additionally, this ability will now correctly grant all group members the extra damage.

  • Pet Ability - Bite: The damage of this ability has increased.

  • Pet Ability - Claw Sweep: The damage of this ability has increased.

  • Pet Ability - Fang and Claw: The damage of this ability has decreased.

  • Pet Ability - Gut Ripper: Fixed an issue in which this ability was receiving double stat contribution on the direct damage portion of the ability. Additionally, the reuse timer for this ability is now 20 seconds. The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.

  • Pet Ability - Leg Tear: The duration has decreased on the Damage over Time aspect of this ability. Additionally, the amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.

  • Pet Ability - Maul: The damage of this ability has decreased and its reuse timer has been lowered to 5 seconds.

  • Pet Ability - Shred: The damage of this ability has increased.

  • Pounce: This ability now requires an enemy target. Additionally, this ability has been adjusted so that it no longer targets objects. This includes quest and public quest object targets, and keep doors.

  • Shattering Blow: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.

  • Thin the Heard: This ability will now have the correct range.

Witch Elf

  • Agile Escape: Knockback Immunity will no longer prevent the Witch Elf from jumping away from her target.

  • All Kisses now persist through the Witch Elf's death. This means that the Witch Elf will not have to recast a Kiss after respawning or being resurrected.

  • Elixir of Insane Power: The Witch Elf¡¯s attacks will now ignore 50% of her target¡¯s Armor.

  • Envenomed Blade: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.

  • Healer's Bane: This ability¡¯s effect has been reduced to 50%.

  • Swift Pursuit: This tactic will now properly increase movement speed when using Fleet-Footed.

  • Wracking Pains: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.

Witch Hunter

  • All Witch Hunters have undergone significant changes and will need to reallocate their Career Mastery Points as a result. Be sure to speak to your trainer right away to regain your abilities!
  • All Bullets now persist through the Witch Hunter's death. This means that the Witch Hunter will not have to recast a Bullet after respawning or being resurrected.
  • Blessed Bullets of Cleansing: The damage of this ability has been increased, the amount of Action Points stolen has been increased, and this ability is now available at rank 35.
  • Blessed Bullets of Confession: This ability¡¯s damage has been increased, and it is now available at rank 9.
  • Blessed Bullets of Purity: This ability¡¯s damage has been increased, and it is now available at rank 4.
  • Burn Away Lies: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities. Also, this ability will now trigger Blessed Bullets.
  • Burn, Heretic!: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Declare Anathema: Knockback Immunity will no longer prevent the Witch Hunter from jumping away from their target.
  • Emperor's Commendation: This ability will now trigger off from stealth openers.
  • Fervor: Fixed an issue in which this ability was receiving double stat contribution on the direct damage portion of the ability. Also, the amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Repel Blasphemy: This self-buff is now right-click removable.
  • Sanctified Bullets: Blessed Bullets of Purity will now heal for 50% of the damage they cause.
  • Seal of Destruction: The Witch Hunter¡¯s attacks will now ignore 50% of their target¡¯s armor.
  • Seeker¡¯s Blade: This ability now checks for an Ailment.
  • Sweeping Strikes: This Tactic will now correctly affect two other targets.
  • Trial By Pain: This ability can now be used while on the move and will no longer fire twice.


  • Boon of Tzeentch: The damage of this ability has increased. Additionally, the tooltip for this ability now displays the correct range.
  • Chaotic Agitation: The tooltip will now display the correct frequency for damage pulses.
  • Dark Medicine: The stat contribution for this ability has been fixed. It was previously receiving more stat benefits than intended. In addition it will now stack with other casters on the same target.
  • Demon Spittle: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been decreased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Elixir of Dark Blessing: This ability has had its cast time reduced to 2.5 seconds, and its setback amount reduced to half a second.
  • Endless Gifts: This ability will no longer affect Winds of Insanity. In addition group members with previous marks will also receive the benefits when the tactic is equipped.
  • Leaping Alteration: This ability¡¯s heal value is now correctly tied to the Path of Dark Rites, and will continue to leap to additional targets when cast upon the Zealot. In addition multiple Zealots may now cast this ability on the same target.
  • Manipulation: This ability will no longer trigger if the target of the heal is already at full health.
  • Mark of Daemonic Fury: This ability now also increases the target¡¯s Ballistic Skill.
  • Mark of Remaking: This ability will now be affected by the anti-resurrection aura.
  • Spell Destroyer: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Storm of Ravens: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct range.
  • Sweeping Disgorgement: This Tactic¡¯s tooltip now displays the correct level, based on your Career Mastery specialization.
  • Tzeentch's Lash: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been slightly increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Vortex: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Warp Reality: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.
  • Wind of Insanity: The amount that stats contribute to the damage of this ability has been increased to make it consistent with other Damage over Time abilities.

General Changes and Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused summoning a mount to impact client performance.


  • Warrior Priest Books have been updated to make them significantly more attractive to players. All offhand books will now add passive Righteous Fury regeneration. The amount regenerated per second varies based on the rarity of the item.
  • Disciple Chalices have been updated to make them significantly more attractive to players. All offhand chalices will now add passive Soul Essence regeneration. The amount regenerated per second varies based on the rarity of the item.
  • An issue has been fixed that was causing the buff icon on various marketing rewards not to display correctly.
  • Book of Boom: You can no longer be knocked back while under the effects of the Book of Boom.
  • Numerous issues have been corrected relating to Weapon and Armor effect procs. These should now display correctly and fire more reliably.
  • Opponents may no longer right click item effects to remove them from themselves, and the Boost, Blades, Barrier, and Barricade effects will now proc far more reliably.
  • Fixed an issue that was causing Weapons and Armor to not properly display their proc effects in the item display.
  • Numerous issues have been corrected relating to Weapon and Armor effect procs. These will now display correctly and fire more reliably.
  • Opponents can no longer right-click unfriendly item effects to remove them from themselves, and the Boost, Blades, Barrier, and Barricade effects will now proc far more reliably.
  • Image-Changing Rewards: A player¡¯s illusion will now break upon using an ability in addition to breaking on damage.
  • All Dwarf spanner items in the game are now set to be useable by Engineers only.
  • All Dwarf great hammer items in the game are now set to be useable by Ironbreakers only.
  • All Empire rapier items in the game are now set to be useable by Witch Hunters only.
  • Tooltips on armor set pieces will now display information relevant to that set's bonuses.
  • Standards: All references to banners should now be removed. All text now refers to Standards.

Realm vs. Realm

  • Fixed an issue which was causing the Martyr's Square battlefield objective to not issue Renown properly.
  • Fixed an issue with the postern door of the Ghrond's Sacristy keep which was preventing players from entering the keep through the door.
  • A time delay has been added to the preliminary spawns of flags and murderballs in several scenarios. This change was made in order to ensure that both sides have a chance to run to the spawn location of the flag or murderball at the start of the match, and battle for control of the area even before the object has spawned. The affected scenarios include the following:

    • Mourkain Temple
    • Stone Troll Crossing
    • Tor Anroc
    • Howling Gorge
    • Talabec Dam
    • Serpent's Passage
  • The interact timers for planting the bomb in the Howling Gorge and Talabec Dam scenarios have been lowered to 2 seconds.
  • Various improvements have been made to reduce the frequency in which the Realm War maps will incorrectly report contested zones in Tier 4. This means that zones displayed as locked when they actually aren¡¯t should occur far less frequently, if at all.
  • Tier 3 Battering Ram: This siege weapon has had its health increased.
  • Boiling Oil: This siege weapon has had its health increased to better withstand enemy assaults in all tiers.

User Interface

  • The "Ability Not Ready" message will no longer display when the remaining cooldown on an ability is less than or equal to the full global cooldown.
  • Corrected an issue with the cooldown timers on the action bar buttons that was causing them to count down improperly. The timers will now count down in half-second increments beginning at 3 seconds remaining.
  • Characters will no longer have all of their currently-active cooldown timers reset when they are granted new abilities.
  • Morale abilities will now display their cooldowns correctly at all times.
  • Fixed the tooltip display for the first custom guild rank slot.
  • Kicking a player from a guild now properly deactivates the guild and alliance tabs for that player.
  • Guild members may now be promoted to the first customized guild rank slot.
  • Fixed an issue in which guild and alliance roster sub-tabs appeared on the screen if the player joined a new guild after having left a guild with the Guild Roster tab as the last Guild Window viewed.
  • Guild titles will now sort by rank rather than alphabetically.
  • Players who have not been given permission to kick members from their guild will no longer be presented with the option to do so.
  • Fixed an issue in which the guild roster was not updating properly when 'Hide Offline' was checked.
  • Guild Leaders, Officers, and anyone else with appropriate permissions can once again use the guild window context menus to promote and demote members.
  • Locking the chat window will now persist upon logging out.
  • Fixed an issue with the targeting system that could be used by players to gain an unfair advantage. Targeting of friendly players will now work in the same way as using abilities. Players must either use a keyboard key or click with the mouse to acquire a friendly target. To target a monster or NPC, players must click on the target in the world or /assist a friendly player. Players using our default user interface should see no change as a result of this fix.
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