Oct 20, 2008

Warhammer Performance Increasing

The War Journal posted this article with some rather easy modifications you can to Warhammer and your system to increase Warhammer Online performance (for free, of course).

One of the things you should do is install the BuffThrottle interface addon, which you can download from Curse. It should have a significant increase in performance of the game, especially in large battles like scenarios.

The second trick is related to modifying several setting in your graphics card drivers. You can find the instructions for both nVidia and Ati below.

For nVidia graphics cards

  • 1. Go to Control Panel, and open the ‘nVidia Control Panel’
  • 2. Select ‘Advanced View’ and then ‘Manage 3D settings’
  • 3. Click on the ‘Program Settings’ tab, click ‘Add’, and point it towards your WAR.exe location. What this does, is only applies the changes to Warhammer Online, not other applications.
  • 4. Set Anisotropic Filtering to 16X
  • 5. Set Anti-Aliasing to something to you know your card can handle. 4X is a safe bet.
  • 6. Set Texture Filtering to ‘Performance’
  • 7. Set Negative LOD Bias to ‘Clamp’
  • 8. If you are using an LCD Screen, set ‘Vsync’ and ‘Triple Buffering’ to ‘Force On,’ if you are not using an LCD screen, make sure these two are off
  • 9. Apply the changes and close the control panel

For non-nVidia graphics cards, set your custom graphics card settings to something similar to this:

  • Anti-Aliasing: 8X, Temporal enabled, Edge-detect 24X
  • Adaptive Anti-Aliasing: Disabled (It messes up the transparent parts of face polygons.)
  • Anisotropic Filtering: 16X
  • Catalyst AI: Disabled
  • Wait for vertical refresh: On
  • Triple buffering: Enabled

For ATI graphics card

It’s similar like with nVidia GC.

  • Anti-Aliasing: 8X, Temporal enabled, Edge-detect 24X
  • Adaptive Anti-Aliasing: Disabled (It messes up the transparent parts of face polygons.)
  • Anisotropic Filtering: 16X
  • Catalyst AI: Disabled
  • Wait for vertical refresh: On
  • Triple buffering: Enabled

In-Game Settings:

- All Enabled to Maximum Settings

- lightmaps=”false” in UserSettings.xml file and made that file read only. This gives a huge FPS boost in scenarios. My armor no longer glows that nicely anymore when I get knocked into infamous Tor Anroc lava pits. But I would trade that glow for much smoother gameplay in PvP.

Hopefully this helps you run the game more smoothly, especially those of your with lower end PCs.

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