Oct 24, 2008

Warhammer Server Transfers Coming Soon

Warhammer Online developers have announced that the public testing of the warhammer server transfer technology will begin as soon as next week. Guilds and players will be able to try out the service for free. Check out the official announcement:


Over the last few weeks the team has implementing a transfer system to allow both players and guilds to move between our servers. This technology was not available for WAR at launch and building it has proven to be a little more complex than originally expected. I'm happy to say that starting next week we will begin public testing of the service and if things go well, we will be able to offer it free to our players (for a limited time) either next week or the week after that. I apologize for the delay in making this service available but again, it did take a little longer than we originally expected.

We will be posting details next week about the public test and then the parameters for the free service.

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