Oct 20, 2008

Worried about Warhammer slow leveling?

Many Warhammer Online Players worried about Warhammer slow leveling. As usual, that is old news. As we blog about it, Mythic looks into it. Check that Herald out fellow bloggers, never know what may be popping up there!

Experience Enhancements: Phase 1

from Warhammer Online Herald Current
News Feed

by Robert Mull

As part of our ongoing effort to tweak
Warhammer Online based on player play patterns, we are making some adjustments
to the rate and manner of experience gain in certain parts of the game. We
continually analyze the data from our in-game metrics tool and as a result, we
have made some changes to WAR. These changes will ensure that you will see a
noticeable improvement to the rate at which you gain experience in tiers 3 and

Quest Experience Rewards

We have revised the experience
awarded for completing quests in chapters 10 through 22.

New Repeatable

We have added new repeatable PvE quests to all tier 3 chapters
(chapters 10 through 14).
The new quests offered in chapters 10 and 11 may
be completed twice each.
The new quests offered in chapters 12 and 13 may be
completed three times each.
The new quests offered in chapter 14 may be
completed four times each.

Skirmish RvR Experience

experience earned for killing an enemy player in an RvR lake will be increased
by +50%.

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